Monday, December 19, 2011

Yahoo Article

5 Unhealthy Drinks to Avoid at the Supermarket

Week before Christmas Workouts!

December 19, 21, & 23, 2011

Upper: 100 bicep curls, 10 bear crawls
Lower: 50 frog jumps, 50 side lunges (each side)

Cardio: 30 mins in fitness HR level

Decemeber 20 & 22, 2011

Cardio: 5x- 20 high knee skips, 20 butt kicks, 20 high knees, 1 min shuffle (make sure you switch directions in the middle), 1 min grapevine (make sure you switch directions in the middle)

Whole body: 100 thrusters with DB or Barbell (moderate weight)

December 24, 2001

Merry Christmas Eve!
30 mins of any kind of cardio

Sunday, December 11, 2011


December 12, 14, & 16, 2011

Warm-up- 5min jumping rope

Lower- 50 reps lunge, lunge, squat jump

Abs- 100 straight leg sit-ups

Stretch- 5 mins (lower body)

December 13 & 15, 2011

Upper- 5x10 knee to elbows, 5x15 push-ups

Cardio- Intervals 5x- 2min recovery pace, 3min 75% pace

December 17, 2011

Fit Matrix @ 10am at TI Fitness (Southwest corner of Greenfield and Warner, behind Chase bank)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November, Blogging Again

So I admit I have been quite the slacker on keeping up with my blog and posting workouts and new things that I am constantly learning so I'm working on getting better and committing myself because people need to be able to rely on my workouts.

December 1, 2011 

Upper- 10 bear crawls, 50 push-ups, 50 windmills

Stretch- 5 mins (upper body)

December 2, 2011

Cardio- 30 mins or more of walking or staying in the fat burn zone

Stretch-10 mins (lower body)

December 3, 2011

Fit Matrix 10am-11am at TI Fitness (Southwest Corner of Greenfield and Warner behind Chase Bank) Where I work! and It's Free!

December 5 & 7, 9, 2011

Total Body- 5x- 10 Flying burpees, 20 Wall balls, 10 leg raises

Stretch- 10 mins (full body)

December 6 & 8, 2011

Abs- 10x 20 sec Plank holds

Cardio- 1 mile as fast as possible

Stretch- 5 min (full body)

December 10, 2011

Ab Blaster 9:30am-10am
Zumba 10am-11am

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Week, New Workouts

Tues: 100 jump squats, 200 skater hops

Wed: 5min straight of ab exercises. Your choice but don't stop once you start! Goodluck!

Thurs: Swimmers 6x30 secs, Push up hold 6x30 secs

Fri: 100 push ups (touch chest to floor), 100 dips on bench, couch or whatever you have to use

Sat: Fit Matrix at TI Fitness! It will be an Awesome workout!

Cardio is the same this week as last week. 3 times under 30min that are intense and 3 times over 30 mins in the fat burn zone

Monday, September 19, 2011

Septemeber 19th-24th

Mon/Wed/Fri Cardio- no MORE than 30 mins. of  intense cardio (ex. sprints, intervals, as hard as you can for 30 min)

Tue/Thur/Sat Cardio- no LESS than 30 mins. of cardio in Fat Burn zone (ex. walking, walk/jog, whatever won't get your heart rate too high)

Whole body exercises: 50 Thrusters (15-80lbs), 50 burpees, 50 power cleans (45-80lbs)

Lower body: 100 (50E) Reverse lunges, 100 squat jacks, 200 (100E) mule kicks

Upper body: 50 shoulder press (15-60lbs), 50 bench press (30-75lbs), 100 DB floor press (16-60lbs)

This week I want you to decide what exercises you want to do each day. I gave you 3 of each so you can do them each day how you would like to.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rest of the Week

Thurs: 45min of cardio in fat burn range
50 lunges each leg

Fri: Run 1mile as fast as you can
50 supermans

Sat: Come to Fit Matrix at 10am @ TI Fitness (Southwest corner of Greenfield & Warner)
It's Free for everyone!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Half of the week!

Mon: 20min of cardio as hard as you can
300 Russian twists w/ 5-25lbs

Tue: 30-60min of cardio with HR in fat burn range
3x1min of high knees, 3x1min of jumping jacks, 3x1min of skater hops

Wed: 15min of intervals(sprint 30sec/walk 1min)
1-10 pushups(chest all the way to floor and squats)

Don't forget to ask questions if you have them

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A couple workouts to start the week

Mon: 15 mins of cardio as hard as you can go.
100 tuck crunches 50 squat jumps

Tues: 45 mins of cardio keeping your heart rate in the fat burning zone
100 push ups

Update on our contest: This last week when I weighed myself I was about a pound lighter and body fat was the same. It was also at 5pm. I did my original measurements at 8am.

Exciting news: My work TI Fitness moved to a bigger location this weekend. We are now located on the Southwest corner of Greenfield and Warner. It is Awesome! Stop by and say hi!

I have been working with the youth the past couple weeks which has been great. I have two groups of kids. One on M/W and one T/TR. It's $75 a month for twice a week for an hour. If you want to get your kids involved or know someone else that does let me know!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Extreme Measures...

So at work we started a contest with all of the Staff. We have 8 weeks starting August 5th to see who can make the most progress as far as inches, body fat and weight. Some of us are trying to lose and some are trying to gain. Here are my before pictures:

 So my beginning weight and body fat are:
Weight: 126.5 BF%: 23.1

My goal weight is 115 and my boss was suppose to set my goal for body fat.

Our next weigh in day will be August 22nd. Wish me luck!

 One of the things that is going to make me most successful in this contest is making sure I'm eating healthy and drinking enough water. I know for most people this is the hardest part because we all have something we like to eat but shouldn't eat. Here are some things I have done to help:

 So I made some homemade meatballs using some seasoning and an egg. I discussed with a friend how meat shrinks when you cook it so next time I will make the meatballs bigger to get them closer to the weight in ounces I want. I prepackaged some grapes and oranges so all I have to do is grab the bag and it's in the portion size I want. I love cucumbers.
 Here is the scale I bought off of Amazon. It had Awesome reviews and was very affordable. By the way I LOVE my pink counter tops!
This the a bodybuilding book I decided to buy because one of my clients and I want to enter a show. I was told this is the best book out there by a few people so I'm excited to further my knowledge and try some things out.

WOW! Just DO it!

Tues: 100 jump squats, 5x30 sec sprints

Wed: 100 push ups, 5x30 sec push up hold (see picture)

Thurs: Alternating 5x1min of high knees/ 5x1min of jumping jacks and 5x1min of squats

Fri: 100 push press with DB's (5-15lbs)

Sat: AB Blaster @ TI Fitness from 9:30-10:30

Mon: 50 supermans, 100 crossover crunch (100 each side)-feet on the ground but knees up, bring one knee to chest and bring opposite elbow to reach your knee and down and then repeat on the other side.

Tues: 300 shuffles and 200 calf raises

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9th-August 13th


Superman rock 5x10 reps
Rocking like a boat back and forth

Leg raises 100 reps-If this bothers your lower back then don't bring your legs down as low to the ground

Dumbbell Flys                        
75 reps (10-40lbs)
Be careful when you set your weights down to rest. Don't just drop them

75 Step-ups on each leg. Find a bench or chair to use.  A curb is probably not high enough. Keep your body upright and not leaning to far forward.

100 dips on bench (Classic picture I found)
100 crunches WITH ball (not on)

SL hip bridges 50 each
Keep your knees even when coming up.

                                                  100 each leg. Side leg raises.
                                                  Keep your abs as tight as you can.
                                                  Don't forget to breath.

 Complete 45 mins every other day.
On your off days, complete 6 mins straight of jump roping, jumping jacks, or skater hops.

Saturday: Come to FIT MATRIX at TI Fitness at 10am. Located on the Northeast corner of Lindsay and Warner. It will be an Awesome workout and it's FREE!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday's workout

10 min of jump roping. Make sure you stay on your toes.

75 Front shoulder raises
-Make sure you keep your Abs tight and don't swing your arms. It should be a controlled movement the whole time.

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Week, New Workouts

So hopefully everyone got today's workout done! I posted it very late but in time for those early risers.

Here is what I want you to do for the rest of the week.

 50 jumping lunges on each leg
This is an Awesome! exercise for your legs and butt. Do them right and you should feel them the next day!
100 sit-ups with wt. (5-25lbs)
-you can also just hold the weight in your hands low to your chest and press it up in the air when you sit up. This will make your arms tired but also give you some momentum.

100 SL calf raises (so yes each side!)

100 shrugs (20-65lbs) So make sure you pull your shoulders back and then when you shrug, come straight up. Don't roll your shoulders.

10 rounds of tabata for: (total of 10 mins)
Supermans (B) and 6inch holds (A)

A                                                                        B

75 bench presses with a reasonable weight
100 sumo squats with med. ball swing (6-15lbs)

    CARDIO: Remember that if you do your cardio everyday then you will really see the benefits!
  • Tues I want you to complete a mile as quickly as possible (walking or running or some of both)
  • Wed 10-1 min sprints with 30 secs. in between to rest
  • Thurs take a nice walk for 30 mins. (Please walk)
  • Fri 20 mins as hard as you can
  • Sat complete at least 2 miles on a machine you choose or running or walking. The only machine excluded is the bike. Sorry.

Have a GREAT week and work hard!

Monday's workout

100E Single Arm Tricep row
100 windmills

Cardio: 45 min. As hard as you can go walking, jogging or on a machine or your choice. Enjoy

Monday, July 25, 2011

Example for exercises on July 26th

 The first exercise being flutter kicks. Put your hands underneath yourself to stay a little more stable and alternate kicking your legs to about 90 degrees then back down just a couple inches above the ground. You can also hold your abdomen up for a little extra burn.
One rep is counted for every time your left leg goes down.
 This next photo is using a back extension bench. You want the bench to hit a little below your hips (against your thighs). You are going to bend over the bench at least until your body is parallel and keep your back straight. Also it's okay to keep your knees just slightly bent.
To make this a little harder you can hold a round weight plate in your hands across your chest. Make sure you keep your chin down so you don't strain your neck.
Lastly this is back extensions on the ball. You can hold yourself with your toes or even put your feet against the wall. This exercise is going to take more balance than using the bench. You can also put your knees on the ground for this exercise but make sure the ball is positioned correctly to ensure the proper results.

Squat Jacks and DB Chest Press on Ball

 DB Chest Press on Stability Ball Example:

Squat Jacks Video Example:
Squat Jacks

Here's a good recipe for Protein Peanut Butter Balls I came across a while back that I thought I would share:

18 oz. of creamy or crunchy peanut butter
1 1/2 cups of oats
3/4 cup of honey
3 scoops of Apex choc. or vanilla powder protein

Mix these all together and roll into bite size balls. I put mine on a cookie sheet then in the fridge because I think they are served better cold. Enjoy!

Do or Do Not....There is No Try!

My soccer coach said this too me once. I often have people say well I'll try to do this or do that this week and this is sometimes my response. Do or do not, there is no try! People need to fully commit. Either workout like you are suppose to every week and like I expect or don't. I don't like to hear every excuse in the book. I want you to succeed and be happy for how hard you are working but ONLY YOU can do that. I just give you all the tools.

Here is this weeks workouts:

100 squat jacks
75 DB chest presses on ball

300 leg flutters
50 back extensions on ball/equipment

150 skater hops
50 high pulls (30-75lbs)

50 dead lifts (30-100lbs)
150 wall sit-ups

100 lat pulls
50 skull crushers (15-40lbs)

Meals: Try cutting out ONE thing everyday that you normally love to have but SHOULD go without.

Have a great week!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Workout, Workout, Workout! : )

We all know after a good vacation it's important to get back into the swing of things especially with your everyday routines. So let's get back to work! I am going to workout at least 5 days this week. What are your goals for the week?

100 jumping underhand pull ups
50 snatches each arm (15-40lbs)

100 mule kicks each side
100 tucks

100 DB squats (15-40lbs)
100 DB floor press (10-30lbs)

150 long arm sit-ups
50 pointing dogs

75 lateral raises (5-20lbs)
300 shuffles

Cardio: I still want you to work on getting cardio in 5 days a week. This time make sure you are changing it up. Try doing some walking, some jogging, use the elliptical, treadmill, bike or rowing machine. Try doing something you haven't done before. (sprints, bleachers, 1 mile or etc.) You need to go at least 30mins.

Meals: Continue to make improvements everyday by making better choices on what carbs you eat or making sure you get your protein in every meal. Get that protein shake in before and after your workout and it will make a great difference. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Start first thing in the morning! 96 ounces everyday

Stretching: Don't forget to stretch. The more flexible you get the better you will feel!

Lastley have a great week and give 100% on all your workouts! Share my blog with your friends, they may be interested in working out with you. Share your passion for exercise and being healthy with everyone you know!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

WOW! Just DO it!

Just a reminder that I will be on vacation this week. I leave Saturday so if you have any questions let me know ASAP. This is what I expect of you. I will text you once everyday and see how the workout went for the day. I DON'T want to hear any excuses of why it wasn't completed but expect a response the same day. I want to hear how it was and that YOU DID IT. You must stay on top of your workouts while I'm away and have some accountability.

Cardio: I expect you to complete 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week. You can rest sundays and one other day of your choice. This needs to become a habit. This makes a huge impact on your workout by burning extra calories quickly, making you less sore and helping you recover faster.

100 push press (15-60lbs)
200 calf raises

200 big leg flutters
50 supermans

50 lunges each leg
100 push-ups

200 hip bridges
200 russian twists (6-25lbs)

100 squatting DB bicep curls (5-20lbs)
60 burpees

10 min of ABS
20 mins of stretching

Stretching: Please make sure you are stretching after every workout. Flexibility is a very important part of overall physical condition.

Eating: Make sure you are getting all of your 5 meals in everyday and really concentrating on making healthy choices. Make sure you are drinking at least 96 ounces of water everyday. You can properly push yourself in your workout if you aren't hydrated.

Please make me proud this week but working hard like you guys always do. I train the best people and have high expectations for you so don't let me down.

Monday, May 23, 2011

WOW! Enjoy!

So here's what I have in store for you this week:

upper: 50 SA snactchs (8-20lb DB)
lower: 100 squats
whole: 100 squats with med. ball swing
cardio: 4 laps on the track: Sprint the curves and walk/jog the straight ways
abs: 100 crossover crunches

upper: 100 DB floor presses (10-30lb DB)
lower: 100 mule kicks each leg
cardio: 10 min of jump roping
abs: 200 Russian twists with at least 5 lbs

upper: 100 supermans
lower: 200 hip bridges
whole: 75 burpees
cardio: 30sec skipping X 10
abs: 100 side bends (each side)

upper: 75 chest presses with DB or BB (at least 16 lbs total)
lower: 50 step-ups each leg
cardio: 45 min. of intense cardio
abs: 200 ball crunches

upper: 100 bicep curls
lower: 100 walking lunges (50E)
whole: 50 prisoners
cardio: 1 mile as fast as you can (walk/run)
abs: 100 leg raises

Come to the Fit Matrix at 10am at TI Fitness on the corner of Lindsay and Warner. Its Free!!!
Cardio: Walk for one hour
Don't forget to drink plenty of water since the temperature is getting warmer. Somewhere close to a gallon or 96 ounces.

Also if you don't know what something is for the homework then ASK!

I'm still working on losing my last few pounds of baby weight. I need to make improvements on my eating habits and do cardio EVERYDAY! Hope everyone is making Healthy Choices!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Alright so like I posted last week, the workouts for this week are not going to change a whole lot. I guarantee that none of you did everything listed on the workouts. So this is what you need to do:
For Abs starting tomorrow do the workout backwards so start with this last fridays Ab workout and by friday you should be back to Monday. Hope that makes Sense : )  As far as upper/lower and full body workouts, do some of the things you didn't do last week. If you need to change your full body workout up then you can do the lower and upper body workouts to make it full body!

I hope all of the Women had a very special and Happy Mother's Day! I enjoyed my first Mother's Day with Everett today!

For Cardio this week, here it is:

Mon: 30 min- walk for 3min/run for 2min

Tue: 15 mins of jump rope

Wed: 45 mins of cardio with heart rate at 65% of Max

Thur: 250 jumping jacks

Fri: 2 mile run

Sat: 30 min of intense cardio

My confession for the week is that I allowed myself to have a Dr. Pepper on Saturday to celebrate my Birthmother/Mother's Day weekend. I only had one and will continue now to go without until I have reached my pre-pregnancy weight. Let me know if you have any questions this week! Make Healthy choices!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

WOW! Week of Workouts

So I didn't reach my goal of losing my last 15lbs of baby weight by yesterday but I did lose 6 of it. I have 9 more pounds to go which means I still can't drink any Dr. Pepper. I could have worked out harder the first couple weeks. I worked out hard this last week. I'm trying to drink 3 liters of water everyday. I haven't done as well lately.

Here are the workouts for this week.

May 2nd
Upper: 50 tricep push-ups, push-up hold with 50 Single arm punches (ask if you need help)
Lower: 100 DB Squats (Hold the dumbell with both hands at one end and squat until it touches the ground)
Whole: 100 Sumo squats (legs out wide with toes pointing diagonal) with lateral raise (5-12lb DB)
Abs: 200 Russian twists holding a DB, weight plate or ball in your hands
Cardio: 2 mile easy pace

May 3rd
Upper: 100 single arm pulls with (15-30lb DB)
Lower: Lunge, Lunge, Squat 50x
Abs: 200 sit-up with legs straight
Cardio: 1 mile as fast as possible

May 4th
Upper: 100 dips on a bench or chair
Lower: 100 mule kicks, 100 side kicks (both done on hands and knees)
Whole: swing n' squat using (10-20lbs)
Abs: 100 sit-ups with pushing weight about your head
Cardio: 20 sprints 1min of rest between

May 5th
Upper: 150 bicep curls (5-20lb DB)
Lower: 50 lunges forward and backward
Abs: 100 tucks
Cardio: 20 mins of intense cardio

May 6th
Upper: 100 supermans, 50 windmills (25each side)
Lower: 50 broad jumps, 200 calf raises
Whole: 100 squat and press (5-20lb DB)
Abs: 3x 1min plank holds, front and each side
Cardio: 6x 1min of high knees

May 7th
Cardio: 1 hard hour of cardio

Next week for workouts it will be basically the same except because not everyone is going to do every exercise everyday so whatever you do this week, expect to do the other exercises the week after. Hope everyone is doing well and making healthy choices. : )

Monday, April 25, 2011

Workouts of Week! (WOW)

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Happy Easter yesterday! We had a great group come enjoy Zumba on Saturday! You can burn over 600 calories in one session. I'm getting closer to my goal of losing my last few pounds of baby weight. Anthon said I have to give it until the 30th because the 25th isn't actually 3 months so I have until Saturday. Wish me luck! What is your goal of weight loss or fat loss? And when do you want to reach it by? Write it down.

Here are the workouts for the week:
If you have questions let me know

April 25th
upper: 200 push-ups
Lower: 100 squats, 200 calf raises
whole: 100 burpees
Abs: 200 leg flutters, 100 crunches          
Cardio: 30 min of steady paced cardio

April 26th
upper: 50 bicep curls each arm, 50 DBL arm triceps behind head
Lower: 50 squat knee raises (25 each leg)
Abs: side crunches (100 each side)
Cardio: 20 mins of 1 min sprint/30 sec. rest

April 27st
upper: 75 Shoulder press (5-15lb DB)
Lower: 60 walking lunges (30 each side)
whole: 60 thrusters with (5-15lb DB)
Abs: 200 toe touches, 3X 1 min planks
Cardio: bleachers 20 times up and down

April 28th
upper: 100 plank to push up position
Lower: 50 jump squats, 20 side lunges (each side)
abs: 100 side bends (50 each side), 6x 30sec six inch hold
Cardio: 500 jumping jacks

April 29th 
upper: 50 lateral raise, 50 front raise (5-15lb DB)
Lower: 50 reverse squats, 100 road runners
 whole: 100 sumo squats w/ lateral raise (5-15lb DB)
abs: 200 Russian twists 
cardio: Track- 2 laps of sprint 100m/walk 100m, 4x 1 lap as fast as you can with 3 min recovery in between

April 30th 
Cardio: 45 mins. of steady paced cardio

Sundays are Rest Days

Monday, April 18, 2011

Craving It!

So it's been 6 days since I have stopped drinking Dr. Pepper and let me tell you, it has been no easy task. I have craved one every day since I stopped. It is just such a sweet, refreshing taste to my mouth! There is one sitting in the fridge staring at me everyday but I have remained strong. To reach a healthier life style or our goals sometimes we have to give things up for a while that aren't getting us any closer whether it be alcohol, ice cream or cookies.

 So one of the things I want you to think about it is what do you need to give up and sacrafice in order to meet your goals?

On another note I had a great weekend. I walked about 6.5 miles on Saturday which includes the distance it took to walk to and from the car to Pat's Run and then the 4.2 miles for the race itself.

That evening I went paintballing for my birthday for the first time. We spent 3 hours doing that and I was wearing about 3 layers of clothes so it would hurt as bad when I got shot. I must have lost 5lbs from sweating alone. It was a blast though.

One thing people need more of in their lives is SPA. Spontaneous Physical Activity. Think about that.

Everett and I at Pat's Run on Saturday

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Big Goal!

This picture was 10 days before I had Everett. The last time I was weighed a week before I had him I had gained 51 pounds!

So I weighed myself yesterday and realized I'm only 15lbs away from hitting my pre pregnancy weight. I have made a goal that I want to lose that last 15lbs by April 25th which means I really need to hit the exercising hard and cut out a few things in my diet that aren't helping.
Here's what I did for my workout today!

I jog/walked 3.66 miles which took 50:43 and my average mile pace was 13.50
I did this around 10 something so it was pretty warm and I pushed Everett while I was going. He enjoys the walks and they normally put him to sleep.

I just finished doing 6 rounds of Tabata (20sec work/10 sec rest) for squat knee raises, jumping jacks, and push-ups. I also did 3 sets of 25 squats with a dumbbell and 3 sets 8 bicep curls on each arm

I'm going to finish my workout up with 5min AB routine. You do each of the following exercises for 30 sec.
Basic crunch, left side crunch, right side crunch, bicycle, reverse crunch, long arm crunch, crossover crunch, half curl, toe touches and the plank.

I'm going to make sure I drink 3 liters of water today. I had a protein shake before my run. I have decided to make a PROMISE to myself and everyone else that I will not drink a Dr. Pepper until I have lost my last 15lbs. What are you willing to give up?