Saturday, September 10, 2016

March 2015

March 2nd: We used some paints that I bought in the clearance aisle at Walmart. They have stamps on the top that you can use and the kids loved it. They always look so cute in their aprons that I buy from the Dollar Tree.

March 12th: The boys were super cute sharing one of the cars couches reading together. (Everett has started getting into reading to other people lately and it's really cute. 12/16/15)

March 17th: Vin and I loved taking naps together when Everett was at school this spring. He also loves to drool.
Everett had an assignment from the school to create a Leprechaun trap and send it to school. They had been learning about Leprechauns all week and it had been kind of being naughty.

March 19th: I scored a cute new dress at Target for $7 for the 25th week of pregnancy. I was pretty excited about it since I have always wanted some cute dresses for pregnancy but never seem to get any.

March 22nd: I love to take selfies with the boys now that they can look at the camera and pay attention a little more. They seem to think it is fun too.

March 25th: 2 weeks until the 3rd trimester. I had an emotional day and am so tired.

March 28th: I finished early working at BYU this day so I treated myself to Village Inn for breakfast. It was actually really nice to sit and eat by myself and reflect on life.

March 29th: We had toast for breakfast and Vin has got to be the messiest eater I have ever met. His face looked like the Joker because it had jelly all over it.

June 2015

June 1st: We returned back to the doctor to get Vin's arm x-rayed and we could finally see the fracture. They put him in a cast for two weeks. He originally wanted to get a pink cast but I had him pick a different color. We weren't able to get a water proof cast so that stinks but that's just the way it is. The good news is that there is no displacement or anything so surgery will not be required.

June 4th: We started a project I have been wanting to do with the kids today. We are making little parking garages out of eggos boxes where they put the toilet paper rolls in and their lilttle cars fit in them.

June 7th: We went over to dinner at Sheri's (Cherry's) house. Vin was exhausted and passed out on the couch afterwards.

June 10th: braces off- surprise

June 12th: Jacob was quite the cuddle bug

June 15th: Vin Cast off/play in small pool

June 18th- Red Lobster trip

June 19th- Henna with Maren and Melissa

June 22nd- First homemade lasagna

June 25th- Baby Day

June 30th- Home from the hospital/ Vin Black eye

January 2016

Jan. 1st: Gordon started to get sick the 26th of December and we found out this morning that he has RSV. Luckily he has not been in the hospital. We started the day out by letting Daddy and Gordon rest while Everett, Vin and I went and picked up donuts for breakfast. Anthon and I, of course, had to have the giant ones from Ridley's.  Anthon was off work this day but Gordon was still sick so I took Everett and Vinson sledding. We only went for about an hour and I assume we could have kept going for several hours since we were having so much fun. Those two boys sure know how to have fun!
    Our friend Kasi and her boyfriend came over to the house to pick up the king size bed we were getting rid of and to hang out. We ordered pizza and visited and the guys played some video games.
I hadn't seen Kasi since Everett was a little baby. They live in Tooele right now. It was so great to catch up and see each other.
     I had been feeling like I should get a little part time job to help our finances and help us reach some financial goals that we are working towards. I decided to jump on KSL and see what I could find. I had been considering a bakery and prep cook job but both would take time away from the family and we would have to pay a babysitter. I found a job listed at Clementine Farm in Lehi (which is fairly close to the house) as a laborer to clean horse stalls. I went ahead and called on it and it was from 4:30AM to 7:30AM two days and week and then I can sub when they need me. It pays $9 an hour which I feel is a good amount of pay and I don't miss out on time with my family. I started the next day. I have to get out close to 3:30 to pump or feed Gordon but it hasn't been too difficult so far. The job is work but I enjoy the peacefulness of that time in the morning and the quiet. I only hear the animals and can listen to whatever I would like on my headphones.

Jan. 2nd: I went to the job this morning and I think I will like it. It hard work but I enjoy that I am working the whole time and not just standing around.
     Everett is a funny kid. Sometimes he gets dressed up in all kinds of stuff and calls himself a rescue robot, a monster or whatever. He keeps life fun and interesting.
     Gordon was staring down Anthon's Dr, Pepper can this evening. He found it pretty interesting and it was really cute.

Jan. 3rd: Vinson starts primary at church as a Sunbeam and Everett advances to the next class. The Erickson's will still teach Everett's which I'm super happy about and Fipe Higginbotham is going to teach Vin's class. Later in the day after we came home, Vinson mentioned that he didn't get to play with the toys are church. I bore my testimony during sacarament meeting. I know how important family is in my life and part of the reason I realize that importance is because of the Gospel. The Gospel brings me true happiness and so does my family. We plan to focus the most on our family and what we need this year.

Jan. 4th: I worked again today and it was a lot more work than a normal day. We have to clean almost the entire stalll out since it is so low with saw dust and then we have to add saw dust to all of the stalls. I worked until 8am this time. I was extremely tired throughout the day but that's life. Sleep isn't the most important thing.
     Vinson started preschool at Miss Nisha's school today instead of Miss Crystal's. Getting to school at 9:30 was kind of a challenge for me. I typically like to workout at 9:30 so I was always depending on someone else to drop Vin off and I didn't like that. He was excited for a change but I know he will miss his other school as well.
     The boys were so cute today as we cuddled on the couch before gymnastics. Vinson took a little nap but Everett stayed awake. I feel like since Gordon has been sick, that they have missed out on more cuddling and attention.
     I worked out tonight and hit at 75# strict press. I can't remember if that is my best or not but according to anything that I had recorded in Wodify it was my best. The WOD tonight was a really good workout for me. I was able to RX and I beat one of the coaches Shyanne for the first time ever I think. It's only because she is sick but I'll take it.

Jan. 5th: I've been trying to go grocery shopping since Anthon and I did some meal planning but with not being able to take Gordon out in public it has proved to be impossible. I was going to go last night but then they asked me to work today.
     My sweet friend Celeste watched Vinson and Gordon for a little while this afternoon so I could go get the things on my list. I picked a couple things up for her as well. It was a great trade off.
     After having our Expedition for over a year I finally learned how to pop out the console for the 6 CD changer. Not sure why I didn't see the eject button before but somehow I missed it.
     The boys played in some sugar today with toothpicks and scoops and were making some letters, shapes and other designs. Those kinds of things are always a mess but the boys love it and so I love it.
     I worked out again this evening and hit a PR for back squat. I was able to get 175# which last year this same time I got 165#. I plan to hit 200# by the end of the year.
     I started training my neighbor's son twice a week in exchange for him picking up dog poop twice a week. It's a lot of fun and I am already seeing a ton of improvement in his form on different exercises. I don't know that I will ever find a job I like more than training people towards their health and fitness goals.

Need to get back to blogging...Rant post

I've been super frustrated and annoyed with so many things that my husband is probably tired of hearing about it. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with being pregnant and the hormones that come with it or maybe people and things are just super annoying. I thought maybe blogging about it and writing might help get it out.
I feel like I'm a pretty easy person to get along with but I feel like others are so inconsiderate of other people's feelings. I feel like we all forget that we all have a life and really don't know what's going on in the other person's life. Typically all we know is what the person chooses to share. I've learned that if I'm in a bad mood then I just keep to myself and don't say much. I don't want to say things I will regret and ruin friendships and relationships that are important to me just because I'm grumpy.
You know what I wish? I wish sometimes I could be as much of a slacker as other people. I've had several jobs throughout my life and feel like I always give 100% to them. I often don't feel that those I work for really appreciate how hard I work and how much effort I give to do my best. When it comes to projects, friendships and life I feel the same way but feel like I get disappointed by the way others treat me. I remember playing sports and working my butt off to reach what goals and things I set for myself. Sometimes it comes to people naturally and they take it for granted. I feel the same way when I want to do something but someone else is doing it but giving little to no effort. Reward and give to those people that have a passion for whatever it is they are doing.
I think one of the things I struggle most with is being bombarded with inconsistencies. If you say you are going to do something then do it. If you want to hang out then let's plan something. If you want to be my friend then be my friend and don't just pretend and make time for me when it's only convenient for you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "It's hard being a good friend. I get let down and my feelings hurt by others who don't seem to care as much as I do."
A whole other subject is children. Some of us have children. Some of us don't. Some of us don't want any. Some of us will never have any. We all have different situations and we all have difficult moments that we face. There isn't one great way to parent and your opinion about how someone else is doing it doesn't need to be shared. It makes me sad to see when children treat their parent's poorly or in a sense walk all over them. I feel people are scared to tell their kids no or to give consequences or to be firm. It kind of goes back to being consistent which is something that is very difficult to do as a parent for me as well. Being a parent is hard. Our children can be very difficult but I feel like they are well behaved most of the time.
We have had a lot going on with Everett in the last year or so and getting some testing done for him. We have received some answers and we are grateful that we are slowly figuring things out. It's hard. I find myself wanting to cry a lot when things get emotional with him or it seems like too much to handle. What upsets me is when people say things like, "Oh he seems totally fine and normal to me".
You see things so differently when they are your child. I don't really feel it's necessary to share that opinion unless you have been asked. I feel people don't understand Everett or us and what we see. I don't make excuses for him at all and what he does behavior wise but I don't like what people have to say or what they think they know. Some of my friends have been absolutely amazing at supporting me through this hard time and some not so great. I pick and choose who I talk to because I don't need any negativity from anyone.
My points:
Be a better friend
Work harder
Don't judge others
Reward those that deserve it
Be happy for others
Keep your opinion to yourself if it doesn't help the situation