Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Week, New Workouts

Tues: 100 jump squats, 200 skater hops

Wed: 5min straight of ab exercises. Your choice but don't stop once you start! Goodluck!

Thurs: Swimmers 6x30 secs, Push up hold 6x30 secs

Fri: 100 push ups (touch chest to floor), 100 dips on bench, couch or whatever you have to use

Sat: Fit Matrix at TI Fitness! It will be an Awesome workout!

Cardio is the same this week as last week. 3 times under 30min that are intense and 3 times over 30 mins in the fat burn zone

Monday, September 19, 2011

Septemeber 19th-24th

Mon/Wed/Fri Cardio- no MORE than 30 mins. of  intense cardio (ex. sprints, intervals, as hard as you can for 30 min)

Tue/Thur/Sat Cardio- no LESS than 30 mins. of cardio in Fat Burn zone (ex. walking, walk/jog, whatever won't get your heart rate too high)

Whole body exercises: 50 Thrusters (15-80lbs), 50 burpees, 50 power cleans (45-80lbs)

Lower body: 100 (50E) Reverse lunges, 100 squat jacks, 200 (100E) mule kicks

Upper body: 50 shoulder press (15-60lbs), 50 bench press (30-75lbs), 100 DB floor press (16-60lbs)

This week I want you to decide what exercises you want to do each day. I gave you 3 of each so you can do them each day how you would like to.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rest of the Week

Thurs: 45min of cardio in fat burn range
50 lunges each leg

Fri: Run 1mile as fast as you can
50 supermans

Sat: Come to Fit Matrix at 10am @ TI Fitness (Southwest corner of Greenfield & Warner)
It's Free for everyone!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Half of the week!

Mon: 20min of cardio as hard as you can
300 Russian twists w/ 5-25lbs

Tue: 30-60min of cardio with HR in fat burn range
3x1min of high knees, 3x1min of jumping jacks, 3x1min of skater hops

Wed: 15min of intervals(sprint 30sec/walk 1min)
1-10 pushups(chest all the way to floor and squats)

Don't forget to ask questions if you have them