So my beginning weight and body fat are:
Weight: 126.5 BF%: 23.1
My goal weight is 115 and my boss was suppose to set my goal for body fat.
Our next weigh in day will be August 22nd. Wish me luck!
One of the things that is going to make me most successful in this contest is making sure I'm eating healthy and drinking enough water. I know for most people this is the hardest part because we all have something we like to eat but shouldn't eat. Here are some things I have done to help:
So I made some homemade meatballs using some seasoning and an egg. I discussed with a friend how meat shrinks when you cook it so next time I will make the meatballs bigger to get them closer to the weight in ounces I want. I prepackaged some grapes and oranges so all I have to do is grab the bag and it's in the portion size I want. I love cucumbers.
Here is the scale I bought off of Amazon. It had Awesome reviews and was very affordable. By the way I LOVE my pink counter tops!
This the a bodybuilding book I decided to buy because one of my clients and I want to enter a show. I was told this is the best book out there by a few people so I'm excited to further my knowledge and try some things out.
Good luck!