Thursday, July 7, 2011

WOW! Just DO it!

Just a reminder that I will be on vacation this week. I leave Saturday so if you have any questions let me know ASAP. This is what I expect of you. I will text you once everyday and see how the workout went for the day. I DON'T want to hear any excuses of why it wasn't completed but expect a response the same day. I want to hear how it was and that YOU DID IT. You must stay on top of your workouts while I'm away and have some accountability.

Cardio: I expect you to complete 30 mins of cardio 5 days a week. You can rest sundays and one other day of your choice. This needs to become a habit. This makes a huge impact on your workout by burning extra calories quickly, making you less sore and helping you recover faster.

100 push press (15-60lbs)
200 calf raises

200 big leg flutters
50 supermans

50 lunges each leg
100 push-ups

200 hip bridges
200 russian twists (6-25lbs)

100 squatting DB bicep curls (5-20lbs)
60 burpees

10 min of ABS
20 mins of stretching

Stretching: Please make sure you are stretching after every workout. Flexibility is a very important part of overall physical condition.

Eating: Make sure you are getting all of your 5 meals in everyday and really concentrating on making healthy choices. Make sure you are drinking at least 96 ounces of water everyday. You can properly push yourself in your workout if you aren't hydrated.

Please make me proud this week but working hard like you guys always do. I train the best people and have high expectations for you so don't let me down.

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