March 2nd: We used some paints that I bought in the clearance aisle at Walmart. They have stamps on the top that you can use and the kids loved it. They always look so cute in their aprons that I buy from the Dollar Tree.
March 12th: The boys were super cute sharing one of the cars couches reading together. (Everett has started getting into reading to other people lately and it's really cute. 12/16/15)
March 17th: Vin and I loved taking naps together when Everett was at school this spring. He also loves to drool.
Everett had an assignment from the school to create a Leprechaun trap and send it to school. They had been learning about Leprechauns all week and it had been kind of being naughty.
March 19th: I scored a cute new dress at Target for $7 for the 25th week of pregnancy. I was pretty excited about it since I have always wanted some cute dresses for pregnancy but never seem to get any.
March 22nd: I love to take selfies with the boys now that they can look at the camera and pay attention a little more. They seem to think it is fun too.
March 25th: 2 weeks until the 3rd trimester. I had an emotional day and am so tired.
March 28th: I finished early working at BYU this day so I treated myself to Village Inn for breakfast. It was actually really nice to sit and eat by myself and reflect on life.
March 29th: We had toast for breakfast and Vin has got to be the messiest eater I have ever met. His face looked like the Joker because it had jelly all over it.
Saturday, September 10, 2016
June 2015
June 1st: We returned back to the doctor to get Vin's arm x-rayed and we could finally see the fracture. They put him in a cast for two weeks. He originally wanted to get a pink cast but I had him pick a different color. We weren't able to get a water proof cast so that stinks but that's just the way it is. The good news is that there is no displacement or anything so surgery will not be required.
June 4th: We started a project I have been wanting to do with the kids today. We are making little parking garages out of eggos boxes where they put the toilet paper rolls in and their lilttle cars fit in them.
June 7th: We went over to dinner at Sheri's (Cherry's) house. Vin was exhausted and passed out on the couch afterwards.
June 10th: braces off- surprise
June 12th: Jacob was quite the cuddle bug
June 15th: Vin Cast off/play in small pool
June 18th- Red Lobster trip
June 19th- Henna with Maren and Melissa
June 22nd- First homemade lasagna
June 25th- Baby Day
June 30th- Home from the hospital/ Vin Black eye
June 4th: We started a project I have been wanting to do with the kids today. We are making little parking garages out of eggos boxes where they put the toilet paper rolls in and their lilttle cars fit in them.
June 7th: We went over to dinner at Sheri's (Cherry's) house. Vin was exhausted and passed out on the couch afterwards.
June 10th: braces off- surprise
June 12th: Jacob was quite the cuddle bug
June 15th: Vin Cast off/play in small pool
June 18th- Red Lobster trip
June 19th- Henna with Maren and Melissa
June 22nd- First homemade lasagna
June 25th- Baby Day
June 30th- Home from the hospital/ Vin Black eye
January 2016
Jan. 1st: Gordon started to get sick the 26th of December and we found out this morning that he has RSV. Luckily he has not been in the hospital. We started the day out by letting Daddy and Gordon rest while Everett, Vin and I went and picked up donuts for breakfast. Anthon and I, of course, had to have the giant ones from Ridley's. Anthon was off work this day but Gordon was still sick so I took Everett and Vinson sledding. We only went for about an hour and I assume we could have kept going for several hours since we were having so much fun. Those two boys sure know how to have fun!
Our friend Kasi and her boyfriend came over to the house to pick up the king size bed we were getting rid of and to hang out. We ordered pizza and visited and the guys played some video games.
I hadn't seen Kasi since Everett was a little baby. They live in Tooele right now. It was so great to catch up and see each other.
I had been feeling like I should get a little part time job to help our finances and help us reach some financial goals that we are working towards. I decided to jump on KSL and see what I could find. I had been considering a bakery and prep cook job but both would take time away from the family and we would have to pay a babysitter. I found a job listed at Clementine Farm in Lehi (which is fairly close to the house) as a laborer to clean horse stalls. I went ahead and called on it and it was from 4:30AM to 7:30AM two days and week and then I can sub when they need me. It pays $9 an hour which I feel is a good amount of pay and I don't miss out on time with my family. I started the next day. I have to get out close to 3:30 to pump or feed Gordon but it hasn't been too difficult so far. The job is work but I enjoy the peacefulness of that time in the morning and the quiet. I only hear the animals and can listen to whatever I would like on my headphones.
Jan. 2nd: I went to the job this morning and I think I will like it. It hard work but I enjoy that I am working the whole time and not just standing around.
Everett is a funny kid. Sometimes he gets dressed up in all kinds of stuff and calls himself a rescue robot, a monster or whatever. He keeps life fun and interesting.
Gordon was staring down Anthon's Dr, Pepper can this evening. He found it pretty interesting and it was really cute.
Jan. 3rd: Vinson starts primary at church as a Sunbeam and Everett advances to the next class. The Erickson's will still teach Everett's which I'm super happy about and Fipe Higginbotham is going to teach Vin's class. Later in the day after we came home, Vinson mentioned that he didn't get to play with the toys are church. I bore my testimony during sacarament meeting. I know how important family is in my life and part of the reason I realize that importance is because of the Gospel. The Gospel brings me true happiness and so does my family. We plan to focus the most on our family and what we need this year.
Jan. 4th: I worked again today and it was a lot more work than a normal day. We have to clean almost the entire stalll out since it is so low with saw dust and then we have to add saw dust to all of the stalls. I worked until 8am this time. I was extremely tired throughout the day but that's life. Sleep isn't the most important thing.
Vinson started preschool at Miss Nisha's school today instead of Miss Crystal's. Getting to school at 9:30 was kind of a challenge for me. I typically like to workout at 9:30 so I was always depending on someone else to drop Vin off and I didn't like that. He was excited for a change but I know he will miss his other school as well.
The boys were so cute today as we cuddled on the couch before gymnastics. Vinson took a little nap but Everett stayed awake. I feel like since Gordon has been sick, that they have missed out on more cuddling and attention.
I worked out tonight and hit at 75# strict press. I can't remember if that is my best or not but according to anything that I had recorded in Wodify it was my best. The WOD tonight was a really good workout for me. I was able to RX and I beat one of the coaches Shyanne for the first time ever I think. It's only because she is sick but I'll take it.
Jan. 5th: I've been trying to go grocery shopping since Anthon and I did some meal planning but with not being able to take Gordon out in public it has proved to be impossible. I was going to go last night but then they asked me to work today.
My sweet friend Celeste watched Vinson and Gordon for a little while this afternoon so I could go get the things on my list. I picked a couple things up for her as well. It was a great trade off.
After having our Expedition for over a year I finally learned how to pop out the console for the 6 CD changer. Not sure why I didn't see the eject button before but somehow I missed it.
The boys played in some sugar today with toothpicks and scoops and were making some letters, shapes and other designs. Those kinds of things are always a mess but the boys love it and so I love it.
I worked out again this evening and hit a PR for back squat. I was able to get 175# which last year this same time I got 165#. I plan to hit 200# by the end of the year.
I started training my neighbor's son twice a week in exchange for him picking up dog poop twice a week. It's a lot of fun and I am already seeing a ton of improvement in his form on different exercises. I don't know that I will ever find a job I like more than training people towards their health and fitness goals.
Our friend Kasi and her boyfriend came over to the house to pick up the king size bed we were getting rid of and to hang out. We ordered pizza and visited and the guys played some video games.
I hadn't seen Kasi since Everett was a little baby. They live in Tooele right now. It was so great to catch up and see each other.
I had been feeling like I should get a little part time job to help our finances and help us reach some financial goals that we are working towards. I decided to jump on KSL and see what I could find. I had been considering a bakery and prep cook job but both would take time away from the family and we would have to pay a babysitter. I found a job listed at Clementine Farm in Lehi (which is fairly close to the house) as a laborer to clean horse stalls. I went ahead and called on it and it was from 4:30AM to 7:30AM two days and week and then I can sub when they need me. It pays $9 an hour which I feel is a good amount of pay and I don't miss out on time with my family. I started the next day. I have to get out close to 3:30 to pump or feed Gordon but it hasn't been too difficult so far. The job is work but I enjoy the peacefulness of that time in the morning and the quiet. I only hear the animals and can listen to whatever I would like on my headphones.
Jan. 2nd: I went to the job this morning and I think I will like it. It hard work but I enjoy that I am working the whole time and not just standing around.
Everett is a funny kid. Sometimes he gets dressed up in all kinds of stuff and calls himself a rescue robot, a monster or whatever. He keeps life fun and interesting.
Gordon was staring down Anthon's Dr, Pepper can this evening. He found it pretty interesting and it was really cute.
Jan. 3rd: Vinson starts primary at church as a Sunbeam and Everett advances to the next class. The Erickson's will still teach Everett's which I'm super happy about and Fipe Higginbotham is going to teach Vin's class. Later in the day after we came home, Vinson mentioned that he didn't get to play with the toys are church. I bore my testimony during sacarament meeting. I know how important family is in my life and part of the reason I realize that importance is because of the Gospel. The Gospel brings me true happiness and so does my family. We plan to focus the most on our family and what we need this year.
Jan. 4th: I worked again today and it was a lot more work than a normal day. We have to clean almost the entire stalll out since it is so low with saw dust and then we have to add saw dust to all of the stalls. I worked until 8am this time. I was extremely tired throughout the day but that's life. Sleep isn't the most important thing.
Vinson started preschool at Miss Nisha's school today instead of Miss Crystal's. Getting to school at 9:30 was kind of a challenge for me. I typically like to workout at 9:30 so I was always depending on someone else to drop Vin off and I didn't like that. He was excited for a change but I know he will miss his other school as well.
The boys were so cute today as we cuddled on the couch before gymnastics. Vinson took a little nap but Everett stayed awake. I feel like since Gordon has been sick, that they have missed out on more cuddling and attention.
I worked out tonight and hit at 75# strict press. I can't remember if that is my best or not but according to anything that I had recorded in Wodify it was my best. The WOD tonight was a really good workout for me. I was able to RX and I beat one of the coaches Shyanne for the first time ever I think. It's only because she is sick but I'll take it.
Jan. 5th: I've been trying to go grocery shopping since Anthon and I did some meal planning but with not being able to take Gordon out in public it has proved to be impossible. I was going to go last night but then they asked me to work today.
My sweet friend Celeste watched Vinson and Gordon for a little while this afternoon so I could go get the things on my list. I picked a couple things up for her as well. It was a great trade off.
After having our Expedition for over a year I finally learned how to pop out the console for the 6 CD changer. Not sure why I didn't see the eject button before but somehow I missed it.
The boys played in some sugar today with toothpicks and scoops and were making some letters, shapes and other designs. Those kinds of things are always a mess but the boys love it and so I love it.
I worked out again this evening and hit a PR for back squat. I was able to get 175# which last year this same time I got 165#. I plan to hit 200# by the end of the year.
I started training my neighbor's son twice a week in exchange for him picking up dog poop twice a week. It's a lot of fun and I am already seeing a ton of improvement in his form on different exercises. I don't know that I will ever find a job I like more than training people towards their health and fitness goals.
Need to get back to blogging...Rant post
I've been super frustrated and annoyed with so many things that my husband is probably tired of hearing about it. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with being pregnant and the hormones that come with it or maybe people and things are just super annoying. I thought maybe blogging about it and writing might help get it out.
I feel like I'm a pretty easy person to get along with but I feel like others are so inconsiderate of other people's feelings. I feel like we all forget that we all have a life and really don't know what's going on in the other person's life. Typically all we know is what the person chooses to share. I've learned that if I'm in a bad mood then I just keep to myself and don't say much. I don't want to say things I will regret and ruin friendships and relationships that are important to me just because I'm grumpy.
You know what I wish? I wish sometimes I could be as much of a slacker as other people. I've had several jobs throughout my life and feel like I always give 100% to them. I often don't feel that those I work for really appreciate how hard I work and how much effort I give to do my best. When it comes to projects, friendships and life I feel the same way but feel like I get disappointed by the way others treat me. I remember playing sports and working my butt off to reach what goals and things I set for myself. Sometimes it comes to people naturally and they take it for granted. I feel the same way when I want to do something but someone else is doing it but giving little to no effort. Reward and give to those people that have a passion for whatever it is they are doing.
I think one of the things I struggle most with is being bombarded with inconsistencies. If you say you are going to do something then do it. If you want to hang out then let's plan something. If you want to be my friend then be my friend and don't just pretend and make time for me when it's only convenient for you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "It's hard being a good friend. I get let down and my feelings hurt by others who don't seem to care as much as I do."
A whole other subject is children. Some of us have children. Some of us don't. Some of us don't want any. Some of us will never have any. We all have different situations and we all have difficult moments that we face. There isn't one great way to parent and your opinion about how someone else is doing it doesn't need to be shared. It makes me sad to see when children treat their parent's poorly or in a sense walk all over them. I feel people are scared to tell their kids no or to give consequences or to be firm. It kind of goes back to being consistent which is something that is very difficult to do as a parent for me as well. Being a parent is hard. Our children can be very difficult but I feel like they are well behaved most of the time.
We have had a lot going on with Everett in the last year or so and getting some testing done for him. We have received some answers and we are grateful that we are slowly figuring things out. It's hard. I find myself wanting to cry a lot when things get emotional with him or it seems like too much to handle. What upsets me is when people say things like, "Oh he seems totally fine and normal to me".
You see things so differently when they are your child. I don't really feel it's necessary to share that opinion unless you have been asked. I feel people don't understand Everett or us and what we see. I don't make excuses for him at all and what he does behavior wise but I don't like what people have to say or what they think they know. Some of my friends have been absolutely amazing at supporting me through this hard time and some not so great. I pick and choose who I talk to because I don't need any negativity from anyone.
My points:
Be a better friend
Work harder
Don't judge others
Reward those that deserve it
Be happy for others
Keep your opinion to yourself if it doesn't help the situation
I feel like I'm a pretty easy person to get along with but I feel like others are so inconsiderate of other people's feelings. I feel like we all forget that we all have a life and really don't know what's going on in the other person's life. Typically all we know is what the person chooses to share. I've learned that if I'm in a bad mood then I just keep to myself and don't say much. I don't want to say things I will regret and ruin friendships and relationships that are important to me just because I'm grumpy.
You know what I wish? I wish sometimes I could be as much of a slacker as other people. I've had several jobs throughout my life and feel like I always give 100% to them. I often don't feel that those I work for really appreciate how hard I work and how much effort I give to do my best. When it comes to projects, friendships and life I feel the same way but feel like I get disappointed by the way others treat me. I remember playing sports and working my butt off to reach what goals and things I set for myself. Sometimes it comes to people naturally and they take it for granted. I feel the same way when I want to do something but someone else is doing it but giving little to no effort. Reward and give to those people that have a passion for whatever it is they are doing.
I think one of the things I struggle most with is being bombarded with inconsistencies. If you say you are going to do something then do it. If you want to hang out then let's plan something. If you want to be my friend then be my friend and don't just pretend and make time for me when it's only convenient for you. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "It's hard being a good friend. I get let down and my feelings hurt by others who don't seem to care as much as I do."
A whole other subject is children. Some of us have children. Some of us don't. Some of us don't want any. Some of us will never have any. We all have different situations and we all have difficult moments that we face. There isn't one great way to parent and your opinion about how someone else is doing it doesn't need to be shared. It makes me sad to see when children treat their parent's poorly or in a sense walk all over them. I feel people are scared to tell their kids no or to give consequences or to be firm. It kind of goes back to being consistent which is something that is very difficult to do as a parent for me as well. Being a parent is hard. Our children can be very difficult but I feel like they are well behaved most of the time.
We have had a lot going on with Everett in the last year or so and getting some testing done for him. We have received some answers and we are grateful that we are slowly figuring things out. It's hard. I find myself wanting to cry a lot when things get emotional with him or it seems like too much to handle. What upsets me is when people say things like, "Oh he seems totally fine and normal to me".
You see things so differently when they are your child. I don't really feel it's necessary to share that opinion unless you have been asked. I feel people don't understand Everett or us and what we see. I don't make excuses for him at all and what he does behavior wise but I don't like what people have to say or what they think they know. Some of my friends have been absolutely amazing at supporting me through this hard time and some not so great. I pick and choose who I talk to because I don't need any negativity from anyone.
My points:
Be a better friend
Work harder
Don't judge others
Reward those that deserve it
Be happy for others
Keep your opinion to yourself if it doesn't help the situation
Saturday, January 9, 2016
April 2015
April 1st: We went to play at a friend's house and Vin found a Buzz Lightyear to play with. He thought it was the best thing ever. We will have to look for one for him. We might get him one for his birthday this year.
He must have played hard since he passed out reading a book. He has always enjoyed flipping through books most out of the boys. He also likes to carry things around like they are maps whether they are instruction manuels or receipts. He carrys the small Book of Mormon we have around and Anthon's dictionary too. It must be something about how the pages feel.
April 3rd: A few of us ladies in the neighborhood put together a Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Each person donated at least 10 eggs with candy in them to hide. The boys loved it and it was a lot of fun.
My friend Nicole and I took our kids to the Museum of Ancient Life or the kids call it the Dinosaur Museum. Everett doesn't do super well with the dinosaurs and sometimes he gets scared. They did do better at walking through dark area that portrays the stars.
April 4th: General Conference weekend the boys and I partied when Anthon went to the Priesthood session. I took the boys to the gas station and I let them pick out their own sodas and we ate chicken nuggets too while we colored eggs. It was fun. It was a lot of sugar and caffeine for the kids but who cares?
April 5th: Easter just happened to fall the same weekend as General Conference which was a little different. We made the boys some cute baskets and we bought some street signs I picked up for a $1 each in the Walmart clearance aisle. We hung them on the wall in the room and I think it looks pretty cool with their car beds.
April 11th: Papa Mike was visiting so we went to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival the weekend it opened. The flowers were so pretty. We definitely should have brought a stroller to put the kids in but I wasn't really sure what to expect since we had never been before. We also got to see the waterfall which was gorgeous and the boys were mesmerized.
April 17th: We went down to AZ for Gunner's wedding. He married Brianna. It was beautiful and we were happy to be there but I was definitely tired by the end of the day.
April 23rd: I got myself all dressed up for once and got a couple cute pictures at the Crossfit gym and of course with my bestie Jessica. She is Awesome and I'm so glad I met her when I started.
He must have played hard since he passed out reading a book. He has always enjoyed flipping through books most out of the boys. He also likes to carry things around like they are maps whether they are instruction manuels or receipts. He carrys the small Book of Mormon we have around and Anthon's dictionary too. It must be something about how the pages feel.
April 3rd: A few of us ladies in the neighborhood put together a Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Each person donated at least 10 eggs with candy in them to hide. The boys loved it and it was a lot of fun.
My friend Nicole and I took our kids to the Museum of Ancient Life or the kids call it the Dinosaur Museum. Everett doesn't do super well with the dinosaurs and sometimes he gets scared. They did do better at walking through dark area that portrays the stars.
April 4th: General Conference weekend the boys and I partied when Anthon went to the Priesthood session. I took the boys to the gas station and I let them pick out their own sodas and we ate chicken nuggets too while we colored eggs. It was fun. It was a lot of sugar and caffeine for the kids but who cares?
April 5th: Easter just happened to fall the same weekend as General Conference which was a little different. We made the boys some cute baskets and we bought some street signs I picked up for a $1 each in the Walmart clearance aisle. We hung them on the wall in the room and I think it looks pretty cool with their car beds.
April 11th: Papa Mike was visiting so we went to the Thanksgiving Point Tulip Festival the weekend it opened. The flowers were so pretty. We definitely should have brought a stroller to put the kids in but I wasn't really sure what to expect since we had never been before. We also got to see the waterfall which was gorgeous and the boys were mesmerized.
April 17th: We went down to AZ for Gunner's wedding. He married Brianna. It was beautiful and we were happy to be there but I was definitely tired by the end of the day.
April 23rd: I got myself all dressed up for once and got a couple cute pictures at the Crossfit gym and of course with my bestie Jessica. She is Awesome and I'm so glad I met her when I started.
May 2015
May 4th: We celebrated my mom's birthday by buying a Costco cake for her partly because I was craving it and then we sang Happy Birthday to her and also shared the cake with several people. It is something that she would have done. She always served others and shared what she had.
May 5th: Everett and I were watching TV together and he sweetly told me that he wanted to hold my hand. Those are the best things about being a mom.
May 6th: Vin and I were going to get something at the grocery store the Saturday before this and happened to find a Buzz Lightyear for $1 at a charity garage sale. He was so so excited! He has wanted to take him everywhere. I also bought the kids flashlights to play with. They love having them and taking them to bed at night.
May 8th-9th: I had a Mommy and Me Jamberry event with my sister Rachel. The mom's and daughters bought some coordinating wraps, made a craft and ate some snacks all for a resonable price. It's something I look forward to doing in the future for mom's and daughters.
May 10th: Happy Mother's Day to me and all the other amazing women I know! Anthon got me a gorgeous corsage and we all looked pretty good in our sea green colors.
May 14th: Everett was pretty cute playing with Anthon's chin asking him if he had spikes on it since he hadn't shaved in a while.
May 15th: At 33 weeks pregnant I was still able to do a pull-up. I was feeling pretty proud of it.
May 16th: We split the rental fee with our neighbor for a tiller and he tilled out garden area for us and then we were able to plant all of the stuff we bought to plant. It was a lot of fun working together to get it done and I am pretty excited about our first garden. We planted two kinds of tomatoes, several kinds of peppers, lettuce, broccoli, green onions, cilantro, cucumbers, squash and carrots. We'll see how it turns out this year. It was my
Mother's Day gift.
When I came home from being somewhere I immediately noticed that something was wrong with Vin. He looked like he didn't feel well or something. Anthon said that him and Everett were playing on the couch and then Vin just started crying because Everett had landed on his arm. He didn't really stop crying until he fell asleep and then when I got home he was just snuggling with Anthon like he didn't feel well. I went ahead and took him so I could hold him and we tried to have him walk to his chair to make sure his legs were okay and he did fine but couldn't actually get himself on the chair. We decided that we needed to see how he did when we moved his arm and he got really upset and cried when we bent his elbow. Having experience from breaking his arm I figured it was best to take him in and have it checked out and x-rayed. They did a few manuel tests that came back negative and then they took x-rays. It was heartbreaking to listen to him cry as they moved his arm around and then I couldn't hold him to do x-rays because I was pregnant. They x-rays showed no break but we made an appt with the orthopedist that the doctor recommended for monday in case he showed no progress over the weekend.
May 17th: We took Vin to church and kept him in the sling but he kept straighening out his arm most of the way so we kept having to fix it. I stayed in there for nursery part of the time to make sure he was okay and that people didn't hurt him. He seemed like he was doing pretty good and may be making progress.
May 18th: Vin's arm wasn't doing as well as we thought and he was really stiff so we went ahead and took him in to see the specialist. Once again the x-rays did not show a break but the doctor was certain that there was a fracture just above the elbow. He put Vin in a sling and told us to come back in 2 weeks and we would check again. We couldn't get him wet, no jumping on the trampoline or riding bikes. It's a bummer for something like this to happen right at the beginning of summer.
May 5th: Everett and I were watching TV together and he sweetly told me that he wanted to hold my hand. Those are the best things about being a mom.
May 6th: Vin and I were going to get something at the grocery store the Saturday before this and happened to find a Buzz Lightyear for $1 at a charity garage sale. He was so so excited! He has wanted to take him everywhere. I also bought the kids flashlights to play with. They love having them and taking them to bed at night.
May 8th-9th: I had a Mommy and Me Jamberry event with my sister Rachel. The mom's and daughters bought some coordinating wraps, made a craft and ate some snacks all for a resonable price. It's something I look forward to doing in the future for mom's and daughters.
May 10th: Happy Mother's Day to me and all the other amazing women I know! Anthon got me a gorgeous corsage and we all looked pretty good in our sea green colors.
May 14th: Everett was pretty cute playing with Anthon's chin asking him if he had spikes on it since he hadn't shaved in a while.
May 15th: At 33 weeks pregnant I was still able to do a pull-up. I was feeling pretty proud of it.
May 16th: We split the rental fee with our neighbor for a tiller and he tilled out garden area for us and then we were able to plant all of the stuff we bought to plant. It was a lot of fun working together to get it done and I am pretty excited about our first garden. We planted two kinds of tomatoes, several kinds of peppers, lettuce, broccoli, green onions, cilantro, cucumbers, squash and carrots. We'll see how it turns out this year. It was my
Mother's Day gift.
When I came home from being somewhere I immediately noticed that something was wrong with Vin. He looked like he didn't feel well or something. Anthon said that him and Everett were playing on the couch and then Vin just started crying because Everett had landed on his arm. He didn't really stop crying until he fell asleep and then when I got home he was just snuggling with Anthon like he didn't feel well. I went ahead and took him so I could hold him and we tried to have him walk to his chair to make sure his legs were okay and he did fine but couldn't actually get himself on the chair. We decided that we needed to see how he did when we moved his arm and he got really upset and cried when we bent his elbow. Having experience from breaking his arm I figured it was best to take him in and have it checked out and x-rayed. They did a few manuel tests that came back negative and then they took x-rays. It was heartbreaking to listen to him cry as they moved his arm around and then I couldn't hold him to do x-rays because I was pregnant. They x-rays showed no break but we made an appt with the orthopedist that the doctor recommended for monday in case he showed no progress over the weekend.
May 17th: We took Vin to church and kept him in the sling but he kept straighening out his arm most of the way so we kept having to fix it. I stayed in there for nursery part of the time to make sure he was okay and that people didn't hurt him. He seemed like he was doing pretty good and may be making progress.
May 18th: Vin's arm wasn't doing as well as we thought and he was really stiff so we went ahead and took him in to see the specialist. Once again the x-rays did not show a break but the doctor was certain that there was a fracture just above the elbow. He put Vin in a sling and told us to come back in 2 weeks and we would check again. We couldn't get him wet, no jumping on the trampoline or riding bikes. It's a bummer for something like this to happen right at the beginning of summer.
September 2015
Sept 4th: Papa Mike made it into town to hangout for a couple days and meet Gordon. We redboxed a movie and Anthon brought home some movie theater popcorn covered in butter because we all know that's the best! It was quite eventful with Mike throwing his popcorn all over. We also moved the couches a little so we could vacuum underneath them.
October 2015
Oct. 1st: Happy 59th birthday Dad! I decorated more for the Mocktail Halloween party we are having and Vin enjoyed laying under the ladder. That is suppose to be bad luck right? I also babysat Kelsey and we did nails together to get some girl time in. I went to Applebees with some friends and had the worst server ever. They gave me a brownie bite that looked like a huge piece of poop. Normally the service is really great!
Oct. 2nd: Happy 2 year mark from breaking my wrist!
Oct. 3rd: Gordon and I took pictures in the mirror and he was able to see himself. He thought that was fun.
Oct. 5th: Vin falls asleep anywhere. He enjoys naps even when he says that he "isn't" tired. I had a great idea to put a scary message under the toilet seat for the Halloween party but I didn't end up doing it.
Oct. 6th: I have been jumping back into my Jamberry business which has been good. I posted a picture for people to earn prizes and then doubled their prizes if they booked a party. I also tried to make brownie bowls that I saw on Facebook but it was a huge FAIL! It was fun to try though.
Oct. 8th: Vin was a stud and wanted to dress up a little more for school. It might have been green day at school or something.
Oct. 10th: I printed out the invites for the Halloween party and signed the kids up for a Cooking class in December. I'm pretty excited about it!
Oct. 11th: Everett and I worked on some homework together and he did an Amazing job! It was the best he had ever written his name all by himself and he cut, glue and colored it all by himself.
Oct. 13th: This was not my best day! I ran something over on my way home from the Chiropractor and it totally destroyed my running board and hub cap on the driver's side of the Expedition. It really scared me and the kids. We got really lucky that we didn't blow out a tire or hit the brake and gas line. We were definitely being watched over.
Oct. 30th: We went to the Garth Brooks concert tonight which was hands down the best concert I have ever been to! It was supposed to start at 10:30 but ended up starting at around 11:30 instead and they played until just a little after 2AM! It was amazing! Trisha Yearwood also sang and I love her songs too! I knew every song that was played and I loved being there and singing along. We had seats that were straight back directly in front of the stage but one row from the top.
Oct. 31st: Anthon and I felt like we were hung over after getting home around 3 in the morning from the Garth Brooks concert but it was so worth it! The kids couldn't wait to go trick or treating. The day consisted of watching the Oklahoma State game of course and then finishing decorating the outside of the house to have it ready for trick or treaters later. We went out around 6pm and met up with our friends Maren and Ava to go trick or treating together. Everett was a cow, Vin was a Tiger, Gordon was a Chili Pepper and Anthon and I were Ninja Turtles. I only took Gordon down the street before I brought him home because he was not thrilled about being in the stroller. Anthon and him stayed home to hand out candy. This was our first year of going trick or treating in Utah since last year we went to AZ.
November 2015
I'm super behind on my blogging this year so I am trying to play catch up and still keep up on the current month. This has been a great month already.
It has been super busy and I can't believe it is half way over already.
Nov. 1st: The day after Halloween of course and all of the kids woke up sounding terrible so we missed our first week of church at 12:30. We used to be at 8:30 so this is quite a change. Both of the older boys were coughing a ton and Gordon was sounding kind of Croupy which is really contagious.
Nov. 6th: I babysat like normal and went to pick Kelsey and Everett up from school. When I got there Everett was sobbing. :( Another student had pushed him and obviously he didn't like it. I hate stuff like that. This student has hurt him before. He also had a hard time following directions and doing his work. Poor guy!
Nov. 7th: We celebrated 6 years of being married by going out to eat real quick at Costa Vida and then I signed Anthon and I up for a Terrorist version of the Mystery Room Escape in Salt Lake City. It was a lot of fun but we weren't able to get out before the "bomb" went off. We want to go again sometime but get a whole group together of people we know. My Awesome friend Alex watched the kids for us. It was super nice of her.
Nov. 8th: This was our first week of church at 12;30 since we missed the week before. Vin fell asleep within the first 10 mins and basically slept the whole time. Everett was not being on his best behavior so he had to be taken out to be reminded of what he needed to do. Sacrament meeting overall was a ton louder than usual which means we weren't the only ones finding the change a little more difficult. 12:30 is prime napping time. When it was time to go to Nursery and Primary neither boy wanted to go is what Anthon said so I gave him Gordon and tried to take them myself. Vin went right in but Everett told me he was sad and was crying and he kept saying, "I don't like the Church." It was really cute and pretty humorous, I spent a few minutes with him and then took him to Primary and sat a few mins until his teacher could make him feel comfortable to stay. Everett kind of just had an off week this last week.
Nov. 10th: I got a call from Everett's teacher in Lehi today saying that he kind of had a rough day. He was weepy they said and then wasn't wanting to do his work. Also he wouldn't stay in his spot so he had to be moved and got sad. I feel like he has been off this week with his behavior and emotions but I'm not sure what to do to help him.
Nov. 12th: We went and saw Yellowcard and New Found Glory in concert. It was actually suppose to be on the 11th but because of bad weather they had to postpone it one day. I was supposed to have a Holiday open house this night at our house but had to reschedule for next week and we added a few more vendors for people to check out. The concert was a lot of fun. It was nice being able to go and actually jump around here and there without the fear of throwing up at any moment because of pregnancy. We saw Yellowcard exactly a year ago and it was rough because I felt so sick. I felt like I was able to enjoy it a ton more this year which I'm sure helped Anthon enjoy it more too! We got a Guitar Pick from New Found Glory! They played 6 songs off the album I know. It was like being in High School again!
Nov. 21st: Anthon played in a Flag Football game today for church and the boys and I went and watched. It was cold and we were not 100% prepared apparently. We ended up sitting in the car to watch the rest of the game. It looked like Anthon had a lot of fun and I always enjoy watching him play sports. The boys and I enjoyed playing with my glasses in the car. They are so full of personality and fun!
It has been super busy and I can't believe it is half way over already.
Nov. 1st: The day after Halloween of course and all of the kids woke up sounding terrible so we missed our first week of church at 12:30. We used to be at 8:30 so this is quite a change. Both of the older boys were coughing a ton and Gordon was sounding kind of Croupy which is really contagious.
Nov. 6th: I babysat like normal and went to pick Kelsey and Everett up from school. When I got there Everett was sobbing. :( Another student had pushed him and obviously he didn't like it. I hate stuff like that. This student has hurt him before. He also had a hard time following directions and doing his work. Poor guy!
Nov. 7th: We celebrated 6 years of being married by going out to eat real quick at Costa Vida and then I signed Anthon and I up for a Terrorist version of the Mystery Room Escape in Salt Lake City. It was a lot of fun but we weren't able to get out before the "bomb" went off. We want to go again sometime but get a whole group together of people we know. My Awesome friend Alex watched the kids for us. It was super nice of her.
Nov. 8th: This was our first week of church at 12;30 since we missed the week before. Vin fell asleep within the first 10 mins and basically slept the whole time. Everett was not being on his best behavior so he had to be taken out to be reminded of what he needed to do. Sacrament meeting overall was a ton louder than usual which means we weren't the only ones finding the change a little more difficult. 12:30 is prime napping time. When it was time to go to Nursery and Primary neither boy wanted to go is what Anthon said so I gave him Gordon and tried to take them myself. Vin went right in but Everett told me he was sad and was crying and he kept saying, "I don't like the Church." It was really cute and pretty humorous, I spent a few minutes with him and then took him to Primary and sat a few mins until his teacher could make him feel comfortable to stay. Everett kind of just had an off week this last week.
Nov. 10th: I got a call from Everett's teacher in Lehi today saying that he kind of had a rough day. He was weepy they said and then wasn't wanting to do his work. Also he wouldn't stay in his spot so he had to be moved and got sad. I feel like he has been off this week with his behavior and emotions but I'm not sure what to do to help him.
Nov. 12th: We went and saw Yellowcard and New Found Glory in concert. It was actually suppose to be on the 11th but because of bad weather they had to postpone it one day. I was supposed to have a Holiday open house this night at our house but had to reschedule for next week and we added a few more vendors for people to check out. The concert was a lot of fun. It was nice being able to go and actually jump around here and there without the fear of throwing up at any moment because of pregnancy. We saw Yellowcard exactly a year ago and it was rough because I felt so sick. I felt like I was able to enjoy it a ton more this year which I'm sure helped Anthon enjoy it more too! We got a Guitar Pick from New Found Glory! They played 6 songs off the album I know. It was like being in High School again!
Nov. 21st: Anthon played in a Flag Football game today for church and the boys and I went and watched. It was cold and we were not 100% prepared apparently. We ended up sitting in the car to watch the rest of the game. It looked like Anthon had a lot of fun and I always enjoy watching him play sports. The boys and I enjoyed playing with my glasses in the car. They are so full of personality and fun!
December 2015
Dec. 3rd: I had fun cuddling with Gordon. He is super cute and likes to wrap his arms and legs around our arms when we have our hands on his tummy. He is such a cutie. You would think with as active as his legs are now that he kicked me a ton in the womb but he didn't.
Dec. 4th: While babysitting today I colored with the kids. They liked that. I also got my Scentsy warmer going with some Holiday scent that smelled delicious. I had to get the house cleaned up for a LulaRoe party. Several people came but not very many purchases were made. Anthon let me get a new Cassie skirt and my first Irma shirt.
Dec. 5th: It's tradition in Eagle Mountain to have Santa Clause come around the neighborhood on a firetruck. We were heading out the door just in time to see him driving by. The boys took a cooking class that a lady offers in Saratoga Springs. They made cookie cups, brought a gift to exchange and were able to meet Santa. They made their lists for Santa and I guess Vin cried a little when Santa came in.
I did a little Christmas shopping in the afternoon for everyone in the family and that was fun. After that I went over to my friends house and babysat their kids for a few hours. I took Vin with me until it was time for the other kids to go to bed. We ate pizza, did a puzzle and then watched some short films on Netflix. It was fun to watch the kids and play with them.
Dec. 8th: I went to the doctor to discuss my groin pain I have had off and on since I had Everett almost 5 years ago. They think it is due to instability of the SI joint and enthesopathy of the groin. I'm doing some PT next week while in AZ where I can ASTEM done which irritates the area and promotes healing. We'll see how it goes. The other option is to inject some irritants into the area and hope that it heals but that is very expensive since it is not covered by insurance.
Dec. 9th: I went and did daycare in the evening at the Crossfit gym and Vin was totally passed out on the love sac thing. It was super cute. I worked out after that and completed a ton of squat cleans at 65# and pull ups. Its the first time since October that I have done pull ups in a workout. My hands tore but seem to be doing just fine. It was pretty mild.
Dec. 10th: I got a cute video of Gordon eating some rice cereal. He is becoming a lot more alert and I'm sure will progress to sitting and crawling in no time. Probably before we are ready. I went shopping for some snacks for our trip to AZ while Everett was at school and also ordered our Christmas cards/pictures for family down there.
Dec. 11th: We started our drive down to AZ. We arrived at Aunt Serena's house between 1-2AM which is about average for us. The drive down wasn't pretty painless.
Dec. 12th: We finished our drive down to Anthon's parents. We got an earlier start then what we typically do. We went to a Christmas breakfast thing that Aunt Serena's ward was having and each boy got to sit on Santa's lap. It was fun. The boys were so excited to get to Grandma Riding's house. I would say it's one of their favorite places to be.
I got pulled over on our way down for going 90 in a 65 area. We got super lucky and I didn't get a ticket. The officer said that because I was honest and didn't give him any crazy answers that I only got a warning. I used to drive a lot faster when we made trips like this but typically don't anymore. I'm glad everything turned out okay.
We went to a Murder Mystery Dinner with our friends Jen and Steve in the evening. It was fun. They served a 3 course meal while actors performed several scenes and we had to figure out who killed Mr. Boddee with what and in what room. Anthon and Steve got the answer right and Steve won a gift card to come back and see another show. There were lots of sexual innuendos but nothing too crazy. I got the room wrong but had the person and weapon correct. I gave Jen an Awesome giraffe shirt for Christmas that I found. It seemed like she liked it. We sat in Steve's truck for quite a while after to chat about kids and their kitchen remodel. We could always sit around chatting for hours.
Dec. 13th: We went to church at 9AM and I handed out lots of Christmas cards to friends from our old ward. I took a nap with Gordon. We went out to Grandma and Grandpa's house where we had beans, scones and salad. We also played May I. I won so that was Awesome. The kids had a blast playing with cousins. Not many things make me as happy or happier to see my kids having the time of their life.
Dec. 14th: We had our Christmas get together for when we were visiting. All of the siblings and sig, others were their except Andre. He went to Colorado to watch the Broncos play and didn't come back until the late evening. We had dinner, exchanged gifts, played May I and visited. We got to meet Rad's girlfriends for the first time and Jared and Becki were able to make it too. Andre had Anthon for the gift exchange and gave him a Batman fleece onesie pajama. Cari had me and she got me several things. She got me orange nail polish, orange socks, made me a shirt that says orange power, earrings and an infinity scarf. Anthon had Shaeda and we got her some Mesa high colored leggings and I had Rad and I got him an In-N-Out gift card and some Mr. Pibb.
Dec. 15th: Anthon graduated with his Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering! Hooray! Our journey of the last 6.5 years is over. The first day of the rest of our lives has started! The boys and I, Andrea and Grandpa Richardson were there. Vin started to have a fever the day before but it got pretty high during the ceremony. We are having cake and ice cream out at Grandma's house on friday night to celebrate.
Dec. 4th: While babysitting today I colored with the kids. They liked that. I also got my Scentsy warmer going with some Holiday scent that smelled delicious. I had to get the house cleaned up for a LulaRoe party. Several people came but not very many purchases were made. Anthon let me get a new Cassie skirt and my first Irma shirt.
Dec. 5th: It's tradition in Eagle Mountain to have Santa Clause come around the neighborhood on a firetruck. We were heading out the door just in time to see him driving by. The boys took a cooking class that a lady offers in Saratoga Springs. They made cookie cups, brought a gift to exchange and were able to meet Santa. They made their lists for Santa and I guess Vin cried a little when Santa came in.
I did a little Christmas shopping in the afternoon for everyone in the family and that was fun. After that I went over to my friends house and babysat their kids for a few hours. I took Vin with me until it was time for the other kids to go to bed. We ate pizza, did a puzzle and then watched some short films on Netflix. It was fun to watch the kids and play with them.
Dec. 8th: I went to the doctor to discuss my groin pain I have had off and on since I had Everett almost 5 years ago. They think it is due to instability of the SI joint and enthesopathy of the groin. I'm doing some PT next week while in AZ where I can ASTEM done which irritates the area and promotes healing. We'll see how it goes. The other option is to inject some irritants into the area and hope that it heals but that is very expensive since it is not covered by insurance.
Dec. 9th: I went and did daycare in the evening at the Crossfit gym and Vin was totally passed out on the love sac thing. It was super cute. I worked out after that and completed a ton of squat cleans at 65# and pull ups. Its the first time since October that I have done pull ups in a workout. My hands tore but seem to be doing just fine. It was pretty mild.
Dec. 10th: I got a cute video of Gordon eating some rice cereal. He is becoming a lot more alert and I'm sure will progress to sitting and crawling in no time. Probably before we are ready. I went shopping for some snacks for our trip to AZ while Everett was at school and also ordered our Christmas cards/pictures for family down there.
Dec. 11th: We started our drive down to AZ. We arrived at Aunt Serena's house between 1-2AM which is about average for us. The drive down wasn't pretty painless.
Dec. 12th: We finished our drive down to Anthon's parents. We got an earlier start then what we typically do. We went to a Christmas breakfast thing that Aunt Serena's ward was having and each boy got to sit on Santa's lap. It was fun. The boys were so excited to get to Grandma Riding's house. I would say it's one of their favorite places to be.
I got pulled over on our way down for going 90 in a 65 area. We got super lucky and I didn't get a ticket. The officer said that because I was honest and didn't give him any crazy answers that I only got a warning. I used to drive a lot faster when we made trips like this but typically don't anymore. I'm glad everything turned out okay.
We went to a Murder Mystery Dinner with our friends Jen and Steve in the evening. It was fun. They served a 3 course meal while actors performed several scenes and we had to figure out who killed Mr. Boddee with what and in what room. Anthon and Steve got the answer right and Steve won a gift card to come back and see another show. There were lots of sexual innuendos but nothing too crazy. I got the room wrong but had the person and weapon correct. I gave Jen an Awesome giraffe shirt for Christmas that I found. It seemed like she liked it. We sat in Steve's truck for quite a while after to chat about kids and their kitchen remodel. We could always sit around chatting for hours.
Dec. 13th: We went to church at 9AM and I handed out lots of Christmas cards to friends from our old ward. I took a nap with Gordon. We went out to Grandma and Grandpa's house where we had beans, scones and salad. We also played May I. I won so that was Awesome. The kids had a blast playing with cousins. Not many things make me as happy or happier to see my kids having the time of their life.
Dec. 14th: We had our Christmas get together for when we were visiting. All of the siblings and sig, others were their except Andre. He went to Colorado to watch the Broncos play and didn't come back until the late evening. We had dinner, exchanged gifts, played May I and visited. We got to meet Rad's girlfriends for the first time and Jared and Becki were able to make it too. Andre had Anthon for the gift exchange and gave him a Batman fleece onesie pajama. Cari had me and she got me several things. She got me orange nail polish, orange socks, made me a shirt that says orange power, earrings and an infinity scarf. Anthon had Shaeda and we got her some Mesa high colored leggings and I had Rad and I got him an In-N-Out gift card and some Mr. Pibb.
Dec. 15th: Anthon graduated with his Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering! Hooray! Our journey of the last 6.5 years is over. The first day of the rest of our lives has started! The boys and I, Andrea and Grandpa Richardson were there. Vin started to have a fever the day before but it got pretty high during the ceremony. We are having cake and ice cream out at Grandma's house on friday night to celebrate.
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