Sept 2nd: We started Game Group again where we go and play Settlers of Catan with a few other moms and the kids play with toys downstairs. Gordon was being super cute. He was asleep with one eye open like he was being careful not to let me out of his sight. I think I was a little stressed out this day too but I found peace from letting the boys help me cook dinner and "wash" the dishes. They each took a turn putting things in the pan and playing in the bubbles from the dish water. Good times.

Sept 3rd: Everett had school pictures today. I had to run to the store and get diapers for Gordon since I was out of ones that fit and then I picked up some doughnuts for the kids to eat after they got out of school. I bought myself a giant one of course. I remember something funny happened this day. I got Everett on the bus around noon and my friend's husband dropped their son off later. I had chocolate on my face and it was pretty noticeable and no one said a thing. I felt pretty silly when I figured it out later. LOL! I babysat my friend's daughter Kelsey as usual but also watched my friend Janae's kids too. It was a party except my kids were party poopers and decided a nap was more important than playing with friends. The kids really enjoyed playing with the dry erase Usborne books I bought a while back.
Sept 4th: Papa Mike made it into town to hangout for a couple days and meet Gordon. We redboxed a movie and Anthon brought home some movie theater popcorn covered in butter because we all know that's the best! It was quite eventful with Mike throwing his popcorn all over. We also moved the couches a little so we could vacuum underneath them.

Sept 5th; On Saturday the boys started their skills camp across the street with Coach Willis. They love it! It was a super windy day and Vin doesn't always stay super focused but they both do a great job! He thinks he needs a drink every 5 seconds.
We also went bowling and that was fun too.
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