which was one of those marble run you put together and roll the marbles down.
February 2nd: I decided to sign up to be a Jamberry Nail Consultant. The Jamberry nail wraps are my favorite. I love all of the fun designs.
Amazing! The boys were cute that day and laid on the couch together and said they were sleeping. It was adorable. Since
it was Thursday we went over to our friend's house to play. The boys play downstairs with the other kids and I play Settlers of Catan with the other moms that come. It Awesome and I love it! This was the day that my friend Sarah from Oklahoma told me that they are planning a visit to come see us after the baby gets here in July and we are more settled.
February 6th: I went to my internship which is still going great. I have been writing the workouts for the Dive team lately. The other intern and I got to do Lactate Threshold testing on each other and that is super interesting to me. It wasn't a test that I ever learned how to do in school. It requires taking
Everett helped me make pizza for dinner while Vin was taking a nap. I also made a cauliflower crust pizza but the smell got to me and I couldn't even touch it after I made it but the other pizza I made was the best job I have ever done.
We went to the Stake Valentine's Dance for church which was fun. There was only a few people we knew there and we only danced a little but it's always fun to have some time out together without the kids.
February 7th: I put on my Valentine's Day Jamberry wraps called Love Spell and I love them I also worked on getting some parties set up and the Hostess packets ready.
February 10th: The boys woke up a little before 4:30 and that was totally unenjoyable for all parties involved. I don't think they ever went back to sleep. Anthon and I shared one car while the cars got looked at in the shop so we had to take Anthon to work most of the week. Luckily the day they got up super early I was getting up to workout at 5 anyways.
February 11th: Vin got up super early again but at least went back to sleep for a little while. He was super tired though because he fell asleep on his cars couch fairly early. He looked super cute! I went a played volleyball again and that was fun as usual.
My newest Niece was also born this night so it was a really exciting night for our family.
February 13th: Anthon took a cake to work to tell his coworkers we were having a boy and I took a small cake to tell my coworkers too. The boys and I were going to go to Colorado to see Mike for the long weekend but he told us that a snow storm was going to blow in on Sunday so we thought it was best for none of us to travel because it can be dangerous. I was really disapppointed since we were really looking forward to seeing him. It wokredout for the best I guess though since the boys haven't been feeling 100%.
picked him up that he really enjoyed that. We had lunch with a bunch of friends and then had a good nap. The boys went to sleep early and Anthon wasn't feeling well when he came home from work.
I went to my friend Ashton's wedding reception. She also happens to be my neighbor and she was my visiting teaching companion too. She looked stunning in her dress and I was s happy for her and Zack.
February 14th: Everyone in the house wasn't feeling particulary well except me so I kind of felt like I had Cabin Fever. I wanted to remain feeling well so I got out of the house a couple times during the day. First we had a Stake Basketball game for church so I went and played in that. It was fun. I'm pretty good at everything except actually making baskets. After that Melissa and I went to Walmart and picked up some simple gifts for Anthon and the boys for Valentine's Day. I went home and took the boys upstairs to watch Land Before Time so Anthon could rest a little more. The boys both took a nap
Melissa's husband Jason came over to help give each boy a blessing and he helped us hang our height measuring stick that we got for Christmas. I'm glad to finally have it hung up.
February 15th: I went to church by myself for the second week but it was nice to be there. I really enjoy our ward.
February 16th: The boys and I went to look at some bedroom sets. We really want to get a new bed and something that looks nice but it is all so expensive it seems.
Cristofer turned 7 this day. I can't believe how time has flied over the years.
February 21st: We went to Classic Skating in Orem to celebrate Cristofer's birthday with him. They have bounce houses, a jungle playing area and skating. It was nice that Dad, Seth, Nikki and Natalie were able to come too. The boys had a lot of fun. Anthon had a scouting event to go to but he left early so he could come hang out too. I brought Kailee with me to help with the boys and it seemed like she had fun too. Lots of Cristofer's extended family were there too and it was nice to see several of them again. We had a Costco cake which was delicious and we got him an outfit and a BYU autographed soccer ball from the Men's soccer team. It was a great day!
It snowed a good amount that day which was unusual since we have hardly gotten any snow all winter. I went to my friend Jenni's baby shower for a few mins and then we went up to my parent's house to have dinner. We weren't sure how the roads would be going home but we were able to make it just fine. It's always nice sleeping in your own bed.
Februaury 23rd: I watched Quinn who seemed to be having a rough day but she was super sweet and sat next to me while we watched Mickey Mouse. I also got to work on my wreath for St. Patrick's Day and I ran my first FB Jamberry party.
Februaury 24th: I ran my second FB Jamberrry party and got my wreath completely finished. It was the most time consuming project I have done but I love it.
February 25th: I ran my Launch party at the house for Jamberry and it was a ton of fun! I had a ton of friends come and we had a great time. I'm glad they are enjoying the wraps as much as I am and I'm grateful for their support in my new business.
Februaury 27th: We babysat Kelsey and had several other visitors come. Seth, Nikki and Natalie came over for a few hours to visit and had lunch with us. Kendra came over a little later too and hung out so it was nice to catch up with her. Kelsey and the boys did some finger painting and it was cute to watch them.
Februaury 28th: Today I completed my first workout for the Crossfit Open. I felt like I did fairly well and I PR'd on Clean & Jerk. I got 115#. After that I came home and Vin and I took at nap on the couch together and Everett decided to join in. After that we went to get Anthon and the boys haircuts which Great Clips happened to be having a special of $3 cheaper on their normal price of haircuts. We went to Costco after that to renew our membership get a few snacks for Anthon to take to work. Everett threw up while we were there so that was a surprise. He showed no signs of not feeling well during the day. We decided we better get home. We came home gave them a bath, ate some dinner and just finished watch Big Hero 6. It was a good month.
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