The 2015 year started out fun for us as a family but we were sad/happy to have our rooommate Kendra move out too.

January 1st: My dad brought some sleds down from his house and we have an Awesome hill at the opening of our neighborhood where we took the boys to do some real sledding. It was a blast! Everyone had so much fun. It was all of us and my dad. After that we went and got lunch at Subway and took Kendra with us. After we came home I started helping her get her car loaded with her stuff and we also loaded mine up to get her moved to Orem. Her friends came over with a truck so we could get her bed moved. She moved into a cute house with a few other girls and we were excited for her new adventure but we have missed having her at the house too.

January 2nd: This was another fun day for us. I took the boys to the
Aquarium in Draper that we have been wanting to see since we moved here
basically. We met Kendra and her friend Trevor there since it was kind
of a pre-celebration for Kendra's birthday. We really enjoyed seeing all
of the fish, reptiles and of course the penguins. Everett was a little
intimidated with the sharks but he got a little more comfortable after a
few mins. The boys really liked the Octopus too. The sea otters were
very playful.

Oklahoma State had their bowl game this night so we
decided to get a babysitter and spend the evening watching the game at
Applebee's. My friend's Jessica and Nick met us there to hang out too.
We enjoyed some delicious food and I loved my 3 mucho virgin daiquiris.
They are my favorite.

January 3rd: We decided to take the boys to the Lehi Fun Center for a night of fun and then to see a movie at the Towne Cinemas. We played a few games with them, at some pizza then took them to see Penguins of Madagascar. We had to bribe them with some candy a little here and there to get them refocused on the movie but it was a fun night. We look forward to doing more things like that. We bought a pass of all passes this year. This was also the first time I felt the baby move.
January 6th: I went shopping to get an outfit to wear to my internship for BYU starting on the 12th. I was able to find a blue pair of Nike sweatpants for $9.99 and then $11.99 on a blue nike shirt.

January 7th: I babysat Quinn who is 18 months old. Her and the boys enjoyed playing with all kind of things but especially the tents.
January 9th: I babysat Kelsey who I've been babysitting fairly frequently for a while now. She is just a few months younger than Everett and they get along super well. She is fun to babysit.

January 10th: I competed in my second Crossfit competition. I strained my ab/groin a few days previously so I had to use a band for my pull-ups to keep from being in pain. The competition workout was: 40 DU, 30 Pull-ups, 20 box jumps, 10 GTO (85#), 20 box jumps, 30 pull-ups and 40 DU. Everything went well except the jump ropes. I just couldn't find my rhythm to do more than 2 at a time. My friends Maren and Melissa came to watch and made me a sweet poster. It was Awesome to have them there. I didn't finish last. Not too bad for being pregnant. After the competition I went home and got ready to go to Anthon's Uncle Richard's wedding which was in Springville. It was a nice small ceremony and it was nice to see family from AZ that came up to come and also meet some of Uncle Richard's kids that I hadn't met yet too. I can't remember if we did anything else that evening.

January 11th: This was Everett's first week in Nursery in our ward. The week before our Stake only had sacrament due to all of the illness going around. Church starts at 8:30am now so that has been an adjustment since it was at 1pm before but we are enjoying have more of our day left on Sundays to hang out now.

January 12th: I started my internship at BYU in the Strength & Conditioning department. I go in twice a week from about 6:15am-10:30am. The teams I'm helping with are Swim, Dive, Women's Volleyball and some Track & Field. The friendliest group from the beginning was Dive. I'm impressed with most of the athlete's and how hard they work. Some of them have impecable form on the Olympic lifts and that is Awesome to see. My supervisor is Alex and I love her. She is fun to work with and I look forward to the things that she will teach me.
I started meal planning this month and made some foods I had never made before like Broccoli Cheese Soup. It was delicious.

January 15th: I got the boys a ramp thing to race their toy cars down for $5 off of Facebook. They really enjoyed it for a couple days but haven't played with it much since then since they took it apart and I haven't put it back together yet.
I also played in my last futsal game for the season. I had actually gone originally just to watch but they talked me into playing since I had brought my stuff just in case anyways. I ended up scoring the best goal I had scored all season and it was a pretty good game for me. We played a second game for fun against the same team.
January 16th: Everett had pajama day at school this day so all the kids looked pretty cute.

January 17th: I went and worked out with my best friend Jessica at the Crossfit gym and hit a new PR on my back squat at 165#. We pretty much had a lazy day after that.
January 19th: This was a holiday so Everett didn't have school so I didn't go to my internship either. I went and worked out and then worked on potty training with Vin a little. I also gave Everett treats when he remembered to both flush the toliet and wash his hands. We were 50/50 for Vin. He had one accident and one success in the toilet. He seemed super tired at around 4:30 and actually ended up coming down with a fever but was doing tons better by bedtime. Often when the boys are sick we have them sleep on the couch so we can moniter them better and hear right away if they wake. If they are throwing up then they sleep in our room on the floor so they are close to the bathroom and we can help them.

January 20th: This was the day when the boys spilled almost an entire big bag of M&M's on the floor in the kitchen and I found it amusing instead of getting mad and I let them eat most of them off of the floor because it seemed easier than sweeping them up right away. That was when I started feeling like maybe I was getting a cold too. I remember asking Everett to get me a tissue and he literally brought me one square of toilet paper. Silly boy!

January 22nd: I hosted my first online/in home Jamberry party. It was a blast and I had 9 Awesome ladies come over. Everyone got to put a sample on to try and I had several people order wraps. We had snacks and got to know each other better and the last person left at almost 11pm. I ended up meeting the $251 sales mark with my party when I got a few extra days to make some sales. The order came in super fast
and I'm excited to put my Valentine's Day wraps on. I made peanut butter protein balls and my favorite punch for the party. The punch wasn't quite as slushy as I wanted it to be but it was still delicious!
January 23rd: I had my internship and was functioning pretty well for only getting about 5 hours of sleep. I hit a new PR on my power clean at 121#. It took me 3 tries but the last rep wasn't too ugly.

January 24th: This day was pretty busy for me. I felt like I wasn't home all day. It started out by going to lift for a little while with Jessica at the gym. She was a beast and got a new PR on her power clean.
After that I came home and got ready to go watch the BYU Swim/Dive meet. I met Alex at her house and then she drove us to the meet. It was espcially fun to watch the diving. I had never been to any kind of swim meet before.

On my way home from the swim meet I stopped at a store I had never been to called The Wood Connection so I could pick up a gift for my friend Ashton who had a bridal shower in the afternoon. I picked out some cute letters for her to decorate and hang in her house. I was suppose to bring a gift for the first craft night. The bridal shower was really cute and I was happy that Ashton liked what I picked out.
We ended the evening by going to a concert while my dad, brother and the boys went to the Utah Jazz game. Anthon and I went to see just the opening bands but still had to leave a little early to catch the very end of the Jazz game. The boys were really good though just like I expected them to be and the loved watching the game. The Jazz won the game which made it even better.

January 27th: Everett played hard this day. After I got done babysitting one of the little girls I sometimes babysit he laid on the floor to watch the rest of a movie and used the teddy bear as his pillow. Next thing I knew he was passed out and had a nice nap. It was super cute! That was the same day that Vin must have napped at the same time because I was able to get the border of my Dr.Pepper mirror painted black and I was also able to get my Valentine's Day wreath almost finished. We had a
delicious homemade meal that evening of green chile burritos with refried beans and spanish rice.
January 28th: This was a hard day for me. I went and got Everett tested to see if he was where he should be for his age and what he was learning. It turns out that he is well below average in Cognitive, Language Assessment and Social/Emotional. Thankfully one of the reasons you can get your children tested is so that we can start getting the help Everett needs through the school district to get him caught up to where he should be. We are excited to figure out what ways he best learns and how we can effectively communicate with him. I have struggled often with the fact that he doesn't listen or follow directions sometimes no matter how hard I try but I felt comfort in the fact that sometimes he really isn't understanding me. I know I need to be more patient and do all that I can to help him.

January 30th: Everett got to bring in treats for his birthday at school. We ordered a dozen Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle cupcakes and he was more than thrilled about it. It's pretty much all he talked about that day and one of the kids from class told their mom that they had the "best snack ever" that day. It was a winning moment for me as a mom!

January 31st: Everett turned 4! What an exciting and Awesome day we had. We planned a birthday party for him and Jack & Jill's
bowling lane. Almost everyone we invited was able to make it and we had a
blast. The birthday party package included pizza, drinks and one game
of bowling. All of Everett's friends that we invited we paid for their
bowling and what was Awesome was having my adult friends there too. Also
my parents came too so it was nice to have them there. Needless to say
it was a perfect birthday party. Everett's friends there were: Connor,
Caden, Hailey, Marshal, Orion, Cyrus, Kelsey, and Ava
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