So many things to talk about that have happened in the past and also the present.
Our morning started out by Anthon over sleeping by about an hour and a half. I heard his alarm but apparently he turned it off and went back to sleep. I thought maybe he just decided to sleep in since it was his birthday, guess not.
The morning was good. I was a little less tired than normal which is great and had time to get ready for the day while Gordon took a nap.
So things were going great for the day and I hurried home to take some diapers to a friend and take the library books we had which were overdue. I finally found one today that was missing for a few weeks. Who knew it could hide between the footboard and mattress?
We had been getting some work done on both vehicles and found out a couple days ago that the Expedition needs a new Altenator. I got out of the car to turn the books into the library slot and when I climbed back in I noticed the vehicle had died and I couldn't get it restarted. If only I hadn't taken that extra trip out in it right? They were supposed to come pick up the vehicle in about an hour or so to start the repairs. On a positive note at least it died in the parking spot at the library so I was able to take the kids in to pick out some new books and read while we waited to be picked up. Things would have not been so great had it been on the side of the road.
Since it was Anthon's birthday he was able to leave work about 45 mins early to come and get us.
So after Anthon came and picked us up we had to run back to the dentist because I dropped one of my retainers out of the diaper bag and they had it there for me. Vin started to act funny and we were worried he didn't feel well but he ended up being just fine.
We had plans I believe to go out to dinner and went to Outback Steakhouse in Orem since we had a gift card. Since Gordon was so young we took him with us and he slept the whole time.
We had Sydney babysit and it was super cute because Vin fell asleep with his head in her lap. He doesn't do that for just anyone.
Anthon's birthday was also my 6 week mark after having Gordon which normally I would get a check up then but didn't have mine until about 8 weeks instead.
This also marked the year of getting a cease and desist letter from a Constable last year on Anthon's birthday from a neighbor over our fence. That was ridicoulous last year. I'm sure glad we are past that point in time. We love our fence.
Six years ago on this day is when Anthon and I got engaged. I had planned a picnic for us in my apartment that I was getting ready to move into. We ate sitting on a blanket and I remember making PB & J Sandwiches and cut them out with cookie cutters and I put glitter all over. ( We found glitter in that apartment still the day we were moving out). Bad idea. We went and saw The Proposal that night and then ended the evening by talking in his garage where he decided to propose.
I thought I had a lot more to share but I can't remember anything else since I took so long to finish blogging about it.
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