upper: 50 SA snactchs (8-20lb DB)
lower: 100 squats
whole: 100 squats with med. ball swing
cardio: 4 laps on the track: Sprint the curves and walk/jog the straight ways
abs: 100 crossover crunches
upper: 100 DB floor presses (10-30lb DB)
lower: 100 mule kicks each leg
cardio: 10 min of jump roping
abs: 200 Russian twists with at least 5 lbs
upper: 100 supermans
lower: 200 hip bridges
whole: 75 burpees
cardio: 30sec skipping X 10
abs: 100 side bends (each side)
upper: 75 chest presses with DB or BB (at least 16 lbs total)
lower: 50 step-ups each leg
cardio: 45 min. of intense cardio
abs: 200 ball crunches
upper: 100 bicep curls
lower: 100 walking lunges (50E)
whole: 50 prisoners
cardio: 1 mile as fast as you can (walk/run)
abs: 100 leg raises
Come to the Fit Matrix at 10am at TI Fitness on the corner of Lindsay and Warner. Its Free!!!
Cardio: Walk for one hour
Don't forget to drink plenty of water since the temperature is getting warmer. Somewhere close to a gallon or 96 ounces.
Also if you don't know what something is for the homework then ASK!
I'm still working on losing my last few pounds of baby weight. I need to make improvements on my eating habits and do cardio EVERYDAY! Hope everyone is making Healthy Choices!