Since the beginning of the year I have been doing lots of different things. I strained my hamstring in January sometime I believe. I took a lot of time off working out in December because I was sick. There was no specific moment where I felt like my hamstring was strained. I noticed that anytime that I walked, it bothered me and I remember one specific run where it was really hurting me but I just pushed through it thinking I was just sore.
I have continued to play soccer once a week for about a year now. Until the last couple months, I had never scored a goal but I have scored two now which is super exciting. The team is a Hispanic league so everyone on the team speaks Spanish except me even though I'm Hispanic so I feel that can be a challenge sometimes when the coach is talking to me and I don't understand. I love my team though and we have a lot of fun. I have taken a little time off here and there for illness but for the most part have consistently played. Not this last season but the season before that we took first in the A division and B division so they give out a big trophy for both divisions but the A division got individual medals as well. I was only playing on the B division because only so many players can play on both teams. Last season we only had one team and took 4th.
In April we had a family move down the street from us that were into Crossfit. I met them and started going over there to workout with them. It was a lot of fun and Jordon & Marie are Awesome! Their backyard is where I first started to learn the kipping pullup. In may, Jordon & Devin (his best friend), opened there own Crossfit location on Baseline between Mesa Dr. & Country Club. It's called Crossfit GTO. We went to the grand opening and I was going occasionally on Saturdays.
The first Crossfit gym I was a member of was Tribal Crossfit in Chandler. I got the membership off of Groupon & it was right by the gymnastics job I had this summer. I enjoyed my one month of workouts here but there were a few things that weren't my favorite. 1. We never did any running or cardio in a sense as part of our workouts. 2. The classes were often too big. 3. The coaches were not encouraging during WODs (probably due to the large classes). 4. No gym records were posted for me to have a goal to reach or beat. It was a good/convenient place to workout at that time. 5. There is no free workout on Saturday's to bring friends. Two cool things I learned was how to do a handstand push up with a band and climbed a rope for the first time in I don't know how long.
The day after I finished at Tribal Crossfit, I bought a Groupon member for Crossfit Solution which my friend Andrew started over a year ago. I had been there to workout several times. Andrew and I worked together at Pure Fitness and TI Fitness. Several clients from those places workout here so its fun to workout with friends and it pushes me harder. Crossfit Solution is where I finally mastered the kipping pull-up (Thanks to Tommy) and learned kipping handstand push-ups (thanks to Andrew). Some of my favorite things here are that they post the top scores on WOD's and exercises for everyone to see and be challenged by. I love how encouraging and helpful they are. They offer a free Saturday workout. One thing I dislike is how much of a hard time they give you when you're late. I'm fine with doing burpees for being late but don't like everyone making a big deal about it when it's sometimes out of my control.
After working out at Crossfit Solution for a while, I was having some schedule conflicts and started attending Crossfit GTO once a week. Remember this is the place owned by my neighbor Jordon & his friend Devin. My goal is always to get the best score as a woman, do the WOD as prescribed and beat Jordon. I started consistently attending more in September. This is where I first clean & jerked over 100lbs. and did my first assisted muscle up. I also ripped my hand open for the first time here doing pull-ups. I also beat Jordon in a workout called Tabata Something Else on Sept. 23rd. It was a great day! Some things I love here are the free Saturday workouts, I'm working out with Awesome friends, they have posted 5 levels that we can test to move up to. I was currently work to meet standards in Level 2. One thing I dislike are that records for WODs and exercises are not posted to keep me challenged in the gym.
All things were going really great and I was progressing until I broke my arm on Oct. 2nd. Needless to say the only working out I've done is walk some with the box and use extra energy to do everything with one arm. More to come about my broken arm on the next post.