I haven't posted since January. The post before my last I wanted to change my blog to more of a journal and post more often. I obviously haven't posted more often. My last post was about Grandma Riding who we miss dearly. We spoke in church that day and just two weeks ago spoke in church again.
This year has been a pretty good year. I finished up teaching PE at Sun Valley Charter School in Phoenix in June but in May decided to accept a Summer Camp Coach job at Aspire Kids Sports Center in Chandler. They are a gymnastics place and the ASU men's team trains there. It has been a really cool experience. Most of the summer I worked with the boys that were 5-6 years old since I could handle their behavior and keep them under control. I had a lot of fun.
In July my director asked me to take over a level 1 girls gymnastics class which was an intimidating thing for me since I have never done gymnastics myself. After doing some training with other coaches and going to hands on training on Saturday, I started and I loved it and I felt like the girls did too.
Also in May I decided to accept a position at Kempton Phyiscal Therapy as a PT tech. I was receiving treatment for a strained hamstring and kind of had a job fall in my lap. I didn't start until August when another employee was getting ready to leave for PT school and he trained me for a week.
When August came I continued to coach gymnastics on Monday night and added a level 2 class. Teaching level 2 girls was A LOT more difficult for me but I managed. Yesterday was my last day teaching gymnastics though. I made my girls goodie bags for being so Awesome and I know they will be in good hands.
A few weeks after starting at Kempton PT, the front desk coordinator quit with no notice. So I had been doing a little training here and there but someone came over from the other clinic to train me to do her job. The hardest part has been playing catch up and making insurance phone calls. I still have a lot to learn but I'm really catching the hang of it now.
I am grateful to have a job but I ultimately would like to be in the back with the patients. I love to get to know people and interact with them. It's not the same up front. I also worry that I will forget the skills that I was learning back there.
I also took over cleaning the office a couple weeks ago so that is giving a little extra income but helps me take pride in the look of the office and be more grateful for the cleanliness. I usually go on Saturday nights to clean. Sometime in the near future my boss will be taking over ownership of the company and changing the name of the place and we are remodeling the space to be cut in half. It's exciting to be part of becoming a new company but I'm sure it will become very stressful.
Starting on Oct. 7th I have decided to start as the Boot Camp Instructor at Aspire Kids Sports Center from 5:20am-6:20am. I am super excited since Personal Training so far has been my favorite job ever! I'm excited to get back into it after almost 15 months of quitting TI Fitness. I'm not excited to get up super early though. I will go straight from the boot camp job to the PT clinic 4 days out of the week. Mondays and Wednesdays will be long days.
That's where I am at with my career status. Crazy good changes.