Sunday, December 11, 2011


December 12, 14, & 16, 2011

Warm-up- 5min jumping rope

Lower- 50 reps lunge, lunge, squat jump

Abs- 100 straight leg sit-ups

Stretch- 5 mins (lower body)

December 13 & 15, 2011

Upper- 5x10 knee to elbows, 5x15 push-ups

Cardio- Intervals 5x- 2min recovery pace, 3min 75% pace

December 17, 2011

Fit Matrix @ 10am at TI Fitness (Southwest corner of Greenfield and Warner, behind Chase bank)


  1. k so somehow I am going to get the motivation to start getting into shape. I need to, but don't have any desire. :(

  2. What is a reason you don't feel like it or want to?
