Monday, April 18, 2011

Craving It!

So it's been 6 days since I have stopped drinking Dr. Pepper and let me tell you, it has been no easy task. I have craved one every day since I stopped. It is just such a sweet, refreshing taste to my mouth! There is one sitting in the fridge staring at me everyday but I have remained strong. To reach a healthier life style or our goals sometimes we have to give things up for a while that aren't getting us any closer whether it be alcohol, ice cream or cookies.

 So one of the things I want you to think about it is what do you need to give up and sacrafice in order to meet your goals?

On another note I had a great weekend. I walked about 6.5 miles on Saturday which includes the distance it took to walk to and from the car to Pat's Run and then the 4.2 miles for the race itself.

That evening I went paintballing for my birthday for the first time. We spent 3 hours doing that and I was wearing about 3 layers of clothes so it would hurt as bad when I got shot. I must have lost 5lbs from sweating alone. It was a blast though.

One thing people need more of in their lives is SPA. Spontaneous Physical Activity. Think about that.

Everett and I at Pat's Run on Saturday

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